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This isn't useless in EDH, in the right deck, actually. Just uber situational, so much so only crazy Johnnies will do it because they can say they did it! lol

All cards that are exiled, unless stated otherwise, are exiled face up so everyone can see them. Of course, I don't know where in the rules it say this, but I've gathered this much from observation of tons of cards. So anyone correct me if I'm wrong, of course.

So, to make this playable in EDH, first you need to Pull from Eternity. Because the cards are exiled face up, you can send the exiled card to your graveyard, which isn't such a big deal in EDH, even sometimes preferable

Then, use any combo to repeated recur PfE. Simplest would be to use Tamiyo's bomb, then an infinite mana combo, to get your whole deck into your hand, or most of it at least, and extra turns, quite a few of them, to win you the game. Though you should probably win that turn if you're a Johnnie and winning throu... (see all)
Posted By: Kamishini (8/1/2013 1:28:05 PM)


As a casual player, this is one of my favorite cards. Here is a list I'm using it for called "There is a season, Turn, Turn, Turn"

24x Island
4x Augur of Bolas
4x Thieving Magpie
4x Hands of Binding
4x Temporal Mastery
4x Walk the Aeons
4x Time Warp
4x Serum Visions
4x Search the City
4x Counterspell
Posted By: Liima (9/6/2013 8:49:22 PM)


Lets take a serious look at this card. First, as many have pointed out, its not for EDH, because you can only play singletons. Kudos for you who noticed its pretty bad in limited. Check and check. Nobodys gonna play this in modern. Unless they really wanted too. So all that leaves (baring odd or eternal formats, cube etc.) Is casual and standard. Or block. Its really good, just in its niche. If ur playing blue u want some card draw. Theres a awesome bluewhite instant draw spell, redblue has fact or fiction. Or fiction or fact if your a cup half empty kinda person.(I personally don't like my opp messin up my piles. I'll do that thank you). But UG? UB? Play inspiration or the UB Coerced Confession, which is crap against esper. Or try your luck at an extra turn. I want to tap out for this on turn six with 5 lands, exile a island, play an island and put the exiled one into my hand. If your imagicination is sparked, try throwing 1 into a deck with lots of multiples. I have a feeling this st... (see all)
Posted By: krauser-gogetthegirl (10/5/2013 1:51:42 PM)


The Johny in me really wants to break this card.

If you draw your deck (enter the infinite - or just a lot of card draw and control) and then play this card with one card in your library you will immediately get your extra turn by playing that one card. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/patience-2/

Pass turn to yourself and repeat. :D

-The Vorthos in me really likes that uncovered clues works well with this.
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (12/30/2013 12:00:25 AM)


Actually, you might be able to get all five cards back, and then play one of the cards that was exiled with Search the City to activate the ability. It depends whether Search the City checks the names of the cards that are currently exiled, or the names of the cards that were exiled when Search the City became active.
Posted By: chenjesummrhnmhrm (5/5/2014 12:07:45 AM)


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