2/5. A Black staple but isn't catching my eye when drafting. Otherwise unplayable.
Posted By:
(1/12/2013 10:37:50 PM)
So this card was reprinted just one set later than the last reprint?
Posted By:
(1/31/2013 7:52:24 PM)
Almost thought that was poor ol' Mikaeus rotting that dude's mind.. :C
Posted By:
(2/2/2013 12:23:14 AM)
Not true. While Hymn is the best *monoblack* double discard you can get at the price (though many would argue that if you're not conforming to Legacy, just use Mind Twist for versatility and splashability!) Stupor is very splashable. Some of us won't drop $400 on making a multi-color mana-base that reliably handles Turn 2 {B}{B}. While that's a minor exaggeration, there's a huge difference between {2}{B} and {B}{B}.
{U}{B} loves Stupor (especially on a budget), but monoblack prefers hymn. People in standard .. probably don't usually run this.
Posted By:
(3/3/2013 2:52:23 PM)
Mind Rot; the first is easy to play around. The second is tough. The third is near impossible.
Posted By:
(6/2/2013 9:14:46 AM)
Great art for a nice little card. People can make fun of it all they want, but when they are on the receiving end they still have to pitch 2 cards..
Posted By:
(6/3/2013 7:18:31 PM)
I like Steve Luke's art better. But 4/5 for Black's version of Divination
Posted By:
(7/1/2013 6:17:59 PM)
meh card is meh. Why is it in both RtR and m14?
@TwentyFifthBaam Hymn WAS ballanced. Good, but ballanced. Mind Twist, on the other hand....
Posted By:
(12/8/2013 10:54:45 PM)
I personally LOVE this art. Mind Rot is usually a solid 3.5/5 -- a decent spell, but one you have to build around for it to be really effective.
But for this art, I'll give this one a 4! The original art is good, and has stood the test of time much better than some of the older cards to be sure, but this is an excellent change of pace. I loved the RTR Giant Growth as well!
Posted By:
(3/14/2014 12:34:01 PM)