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You don't shuffle? News to me!
Posted By: Baconradar (8/13/2010 3:00:23 AM)


I can't believe I ever knew about this card - insanely, insanely good. One of the best bits being that it's a 2 mana instant, making it a fantabulous card for the Isochron Scepter. Oh, you know, end of turn I'll look at more cards than Sensei's Divining top, shoo away the ones that aren't the best, and actually take the best one into my hand for use next turn. Oh, you're casting something I need to counter? I'll see if I have one in my top 4 cards.

One of the best card drawing cards at 2 mana, no question.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (7/29/2011 12:22:56 PM)


Absolutely win of flavor text. I love the whole idea of time travel, and with this quote, I can see why it is securely in the bailiwick of Blue mages.
Posted By: Gwafa_Hazid (7/4/2010 9:21:20 PM)


Whoa whoa whoa whoa. That is a rather significant change to the mechanics! I just cast this the other day, and shuffled, because the card told me to. Why did they change it?
Posted By: metalevolence (6/5/2011 10:30:04 PM)


I once shuffled my library in a legacy tournament. I learned of the errata soon afterwords. :s
Posted By: Crag-Hack (6/20/2011 2:37:37 AM)


Dig, and dig deep. Wanna grab that card you just Long-Term Plans'd for? Don't like the top 3 cards you're looking at with Sensei's Divining Top? It actually complements cards that sift the top of your deck, and is just darned good on it's own.
Posted By: WokeUpDead (11/2/2011 7:32:41 PM)


LOL, you don't shuffle your lib? That's messed up, all these years I've been playing it "wrong." Thanks, Visions!
Posted By: Locohead (9/10/2009 3:19:41 AM)


This card is great! I loved Chaining them together Back in the day and they combo quite nicely with Brainstorm.
Posted By: TheZilla (12/28/2010 12:21:36 AM)


Yeah...I'm going to want to shuffle it up HARD! I consistantly draw 3 to 4 heat cards with this- and I want em' back.
Posted By: face-fister (5/7/2011 10:02:15 AM)


simply awesome. sadly misprinted with "Shuffle your library" on the original printing.
Posted By: Ace_Rimmer (7/26/2009 9:02:33 PM)


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