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LOLZ PONDER!!! you dont know how to play cards right!
Posted By: Barliman (11/25/2010 5:27:42 AM)


Better than ponder?? use during opponent turn counter with counter spell you just drawled!!
Posted By: MrCleric (11/8/2010 5:18:00 PM)


Ponder outclasses this.
Posted By: Alqatrkapa (3/23/2010 11:34:08 AM)


Basically the reason why I love blue. This is up there with the best cantrips of all time. Sure, it's two mana, but it's an instant! I love increasing my options with four cards!

When I started playing magic, a friend gave me a deck with 4 of these, with 4 brainstorms and 4 force of wills. Such a sweet deck, filled to the brim with options.

It's definitely a control card, not as much a card for combo like ponder. Because two mana is not one mana.

Also, please reprint this wizards! I love your many tributes, but I'd wish we'd get the reprint!
Posted By: Shiizu (8/3/2013 2:15:15 AM)


You've got to love comments, eh?

I was checking out the spoilers for From the Vault: 20, where Wizards, in honour of the 20 years of taking our monies, is printing 20 cards which played important roles in each years Standard tournaments. Included is Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Hymn to Tourach, and Dark Ritual.

Now, I'm mentioning Impulse because before any card was revealed, there was spoiler art for one of the cards to be included (http://www.magicspoiler.com/from-the-vault-twenty-spoiler/). In the comments, everyone's saying, "Clearly is Mother of Runes" or "Must be Mystical Tutor" or "BRAINSTORM!" or "Force of Will?"

Well, it's this. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you.
Posted By: Ferlord (8/7/2013 6:29:45 AM)


Digs four, instant speed, replaces itself. Freaking great.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/19/2014 5:08:08 AM)


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