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I have actually won games where his -7 resolved against me.

That being said; it was really, REALLY hard to do it.
Posted By: SquirePath (1/5/2014 10:25:37 AM)


I will argue that Vengeant is one of the top five planeswalkers, (In terms of power) and that he is potent not just in single player, but multiplayer as well. Forcompetative constructed formats, it is hard to justify high costing spells unless you can cheat them out (Not overly easy for walkers, and you would rather spend most cards that can do it on a combo piece or game ender.) Ajani costs 4, which is playable. Sure, he has to compete with Jace, the format-sculptor at 4, and he clearly loses that comparison, but that doesn't mean he is useless. Especially in modern, where Jace is banned.

Any good planeswalker also needs a plus/neutral ability that can effect the board or protect itself. Vengeant has that, and its an ability that gets more potent the better the cards people are playing with. If locking down someone's island or Thragtusk is good, locking down a key part of a competitive deck like a Tolarian Academy, Tarmogoyf/au... (see all)
Posted By: Enelysios (2/21/2014 6:10:15 AM)


It's interesting to note that this is the only planeswalker from the Lorwyn 5 that ever became multicolored.
Posted By: Syrtees (3/9/2014 3:03:10 PM)


@NeoKoda you know that urza is basically the hitler of the multiverse
Posted By: syntheticbiology232 (4/28/2014 7:08:10 PM)


Eh. White/red need a new planeswalker.

Lightning helix is totally the right direction, but given that boros is all about battalion...how about we say aurelia becomes a plainswalker. Hell, idk, chandra joins boros. Just something that would summon a 3/1 token with haste for +1.

Something that puts creatures on the field, gains life, and burns. Essential red/white. Ajani only has one effect for that, it's a minus two and his other effects are that of mono red or blue.
Posted By: tastified (5/10/2014 7:01:17 AM)


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