I've never found myself wondering if there were any white eldrazi spawn cards before.
Posted By:
(1/22/2013 11:46:22 PM)
Ghave, guru of spores loves him some free upgrades.
"so you attacking me with fliers? ....Gimme a sec.."
would have rather seen a 4/4 body for 5 instead, but can't complain. Pity she doesn't come out faster.
Posted By:
(1/31/2012 7:48:41 PM)
Don't be ridiculous! Eldrazi spawn don't have souls.
Posted By:
(1/29/2012 11:51:43 AM)
Nice anti-boardwipe tech for my Rhys the Redeemed EDH.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 3:20:53 PM)
I wish the Angels did more for the humans. Angelic Overseer and Mikaeus the Lunarch are about the only cards that actively imply human prayer=angelic power. Both Are mythic.
Take Falkenrath Aristocrat for example, it eats humans (like vampires are known to do) and is mythic. You also get falkenrath torturer and that rare specter vampre, all of which have the same sacrificial human theme. Angels lack that in innestrad, and that's a huge flavor disconnect.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 5:42:43 PM)
Emeria Angel produces non-spirit 1/1 tokens. Skullclamp likes to kill x/1 creatures. Requiem Angel likes to give you more x/1 creatures. Now if only I can get them all out in my Kaalia of the Vast Commander deck, because that thing needs card advantage badly.
Posted By:
(1/28/2012 7:55:43 PM)
Great with undying creatures, splashable, but I would've liked to see it cheaper and on a smaller body.
Posted By:
(1/26/2012 4:05:49 PM)
Not a fan of cards that make up for their cool abilities with higher costs, because then Wizards raises the p/t and it's basically a beatstick.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 11:33:45 PM)
A few problems with this card:
1) Expensive to cast.
2) Ability requires at least one other non-spirit creature to work.
A deck using enough creatures don't need her, a control deck that could cast her late game doesn't use enough creatures to make it worthwhile.
Posted By:
(1/27/2012 5:01:47 AM)