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"Put this piece of crap into play to ruin Koth's entire gameplan."
Posted By: lorendorky (4/8/2012 7:17:37 PM)


It's not terrible in Koth's deck, as the Venser deck doesn't have creatures naturally as big as this one. Lithophage beats hard if Venser can't do anything about it. However, it just isn't very good in general, and probably would best be swapped out with a firebreathing dragon of some sort, if you want to keep the decks tuned to each other.

EDIT: Never mind, I forgot Venser has Wall of Denial. Kill it with fire!
Posted By: RJDroid (4/8/2012 8:16:54 PM)


I see what Wizards is thinking:

'Use Mountain ramping engines....to feed this.'

And if it were just a little better, say if it had First Strike or Haste, I'd go for that.

Wall of Denial ruins the point of playing it though, because as soon as they realize that card stops this one cold, they'll make sure to run 4. Also the art is ugly. And the flavortext isn't funny.

the reason I don't like it because it's not big enough/doesn't have keywords. The sacrifice mountains thing though? Koth CAN generate enough for it-- provided you make him want to.
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/16/2012 11:16:24 AM)


The power creep since Mercadian Masques may make this card look outdated, buuuuut, after taking a quick gander at Mercadian Masques for a second, I've found that creatures aren't THAT much weaker.

Two-Headed Dragon, Delraich, Thrashing Wumpus, Rushwood Elemental, Tidal Kraken... I mean, these cards aren't too powerful now, but back then, they put Lithophage to shame.

And shame on you Lithophage for including Phage in your name. That is reserved for Carnophage and the dastardly queen herself.
Posted By: Ferlord (12/30/2012 10:37:45 PM)


Would be better at 8/8. Would be even better at 9/9. Would be even better at 10/10. Would be worse at autocard multiv... (see all)
Posted By: Swag_Crow (1/20/2014 6:31:37 PM)


Ummm... What do you do with it?
But really, you lose a land a turn to a creature who can be chump blocked or blocked by Wall of Denial?
Posted By: NozzDogg (4/6/2012 5:09:16 PM)


Doesn't that creature have a little too many legs to be called an insect? I mean, the scientific name for insects is literally "six-foots" (hexapoda).
Posted By: Tiggurix (4/24/2012 7:08:26 PM)


Eh. I still prefer Cosmic Larva.
Posted By: Klutz42 (5/7/2012 11:00:20 AM)


Why have this in a Koth deck when you could have something like Devastating Summons?
Posted By: atemu1234 (4/1/2013 10:28:01 AM)


You do not want to play this on turn 5 with Koth's deck.
Posted By: TomWarleader (6/29/2013 11:29:23 PM)


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