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Community Rating: 3.139 / 5  (18 votes)
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Looking at this card makes me feel a bit sick. 5 red heavy CMC would nearly be fair for a red rare... without an insane drawback. A couple of chumpblocks, a combat trick, let hit once he's chewed their mana, then remove it after his final meal... game over.

Even when they chump block there's no card advantage! I actually like the ballsy mechanic and would like to see more of it... but even as a weak rare you'd need trample at 7/7 to justify ever using this.
Posted By: Vishlord (10/13/2013 3:52:23 AM)


If he had 8 power would be better.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (12/13/2013 6:09:02 AM)


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