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Another 6/6 flyer for 4. That alone makes it worthy of play. Then it tacks on a pseudo-removal. If they don't sacrifice, they get smacked for six. If they do, you get a free pump on your flyer.

The downside to Desecration Demon is that it works on both player's turns. An opponent can sacrifice a creature to prevent it from attacking or blocking.

Hitting this with a sacrifice or a destroy effect is almost a necessity over damage effects -- aside from Deathtouch, when your opponent drops this, you probably won't have seven mana open to use a Devil's Play type card on it or an equally strong creature to survival it.
Posted By: igniteice (3/6/2013 8:41:06 PM)


Fact is that yes, it can be dealt with (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CARD IN THE GAME). It does have a drawback in that opponents can hold it off at the cost of a creature, and there are good ways to do this. But it remains that it's a 2BB 6/6 flyer. And he grows when he's sacrificed to, and his growth is at the expense of your opponent. So what if your opponent *might* have alot of token producing stuff. This is a 4th turn drop and it forces acknowledgement. And acknowledgement is expensive. Made a full on demon/devil deck with sac/morbid mechanics and it is absolutely brutal. And he fits right in. No fancy combos with this one. It's a work horse all by itself. Early threat, wings, potential removal and a small price tag. All while I'm working on bigger and badder mischief. People who don't see how great this card is just aren't using it right. Just cause you're not a fan of it doesn't make it bad. I don't like Jace, and I don't like mill decks. But I made one and put Jace i... (see all)
Posted By: h8yuns (3/10/2013 1:14:50 AM)


This is one of my favorite cards from RTR. It's big, it's black, and the "drawback" is hardly that. He's a monster in limited, likely going to be an automatic 1st pick for most people. I have seen a lot of this card around my locals in constructed, which surprised me a bit. In terms of card strength he's probably going to have to be a 3.5/5, simply because of the numerous contingencies that he would have to play around. That being said, he gets a 4/5 for being interesting and flavorful.
Posted By: Drewskithelegend (3/17/2013 8:16:02 PM)


This is awesome, no matter what way you spin it. Four drop 6/6 flyer? Put it in an Orzhov deck (where he'll get out much quicker then a Deathpact Angel), combo it with the Vizkopa Guildmage, and reap the rewards. I've won many a game because someone sacked creatures to the point where they turned this into a 15/15 and then they were bombed for 15 after a life gain of 15. Also works well in Rakdos decks, where it will get out faster and and maximize Rakdos, Lord of Riots better then most other cards will, and will grow bigger then Rakdos himself.

Posted By: GhostCounselor (4/1/2013 6:21:15 PM)


I feel like running this with some Curse of the Cabal and any other cards with similar effects I can find. Make them constantly sacrifice stuff to slow them down while it doesn't really hinder your strategy to cast a couple of 4 cmc stuff that you can forget about, but can still wreck your opponent if they forget about them.
Posted By: EvilDarkVoid (4/13/2013 1:22:56 PM)


So its sac. a creature and power him up but stop him for now or get a 6/6 up your ass
Posted By: Westertin (5/14/2013 8:10:51 PM)


Like Temporal extortion and Choice of damnations, they're screwed or they’re screwed, Pick your poison...
Posted By: Xineombine (5/31/2013 7:40:15 AM)


Huge bomb in limited. Tick toc tick toc. Boom!!!!
Posted By: shadowf0x (6/5/2013 1:38:50 AM)


Planeswalker: Attack, attack now!

Desecration Demon: Wait I'm eating... nom nom nom
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (6/15/2013 10:29:59 PM)


The black geist of saint traft. Who even plays creatures in the metagame now? Its all three color jace and geist decks, occasionally someone running a guild and/or actual creature based strategies. Personally, I see this card as the climax of the power creep for creatures. How can they possibly get stronger without tearing the game in two? And at worst it reverts to an incredible control effect...really blown away, making me rethink my grey token onslaught (innistrad era standard)

5/5 for bestial repercussions to the unprepared. Like bloodgift demon in that sweet aspect of "if you dont deal with this right now, its over." Thinking of running them with olivia, reanimation and extra removal so he def hits...if that's what you even want, heheh.

Back him up with a skirsdag high priest or other morbid cards to capitalize on the trail of death that follows this guy.

Final thought--much more splashable and less grievous than obliterator on the ros... (see all)
Posted By: patronofthesound (6/19/2013 3:16:22 AM)


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