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Community Rating: 3.909 / 5  (99 votes)
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G/W has some amazing colorless lands.
Posted By: .Blaze. (9/25/2012 5:46:06 PM)


The art in this is much better than the promo version. This one gives a better sense of something huge slumbering within.
Posted By: SirMalkin (9/25/2012 11:02:52 PM)


Hmmm... Let's see here... Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage... Parallel Lives... Trostani, Selesnya's Voice... Do I win yet?
Posted By: Raynor1111 (10/3/2012 8:32:11 AM)


Between this, Nantuko Monastery, and Stirring Wildwood, 42lands.dec is looking pretty strong right now!
Posted By: Superllama12 (9/25/2012 6:35:14 PM)


How in the world is this rated at 3.4? This card is easily a 4.5; it's an absolute beast.

Edit: Constructed isn't the only format that matters. I mostly limited formats (and casual), and I've found it to be far more enjoyable than Standard. Yes, different cards are better in different formats... this is why Mental Misstep is banned in eternal formats (plus extended), where cheaper cards are more prominent, while it doesn't do anything in block constructed or standard. I don't care if this card isn't good in eternal formats, because I don't enjoy them. It all depends on your frame of reference.

1. It is never a dead draw. Sure, there may be better draws you can ask for if you're not set up right, but it will never just sit in your hand uselessly. It is still a colorless mana land that doesn't even enter tapped.
2. Since it's played as a land, it can't be countered by anything except those rare few creatures like that can counter abilities (i.e. Azorius G... (see all)
Posted By: RickyBo (10/1/2012 7:58:43 AM)


A really clever card. I like how the ruined temple covered in roots basically just stands up and starts kicking ass. Would've preferred a more traditional man-land, but Populate and whatnot.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/26/2012 11:16:51 AM)


And this card will see much play, as the only card that competes with it is Gavony Township, and can really say that card can compete with this?
Posted By: thisisnotmyname (9/25/2012 8:33:21 PM)


And then I populate while I populate and throw more populate on the stack before you can murder my beatstick.
Posted By: Ahsmae (9/27/2012 12:05:59 AM)


won every time I populated the token at the prerelease. you just can't recover from things like that.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/29/2012 11:23:54 PM)


Pro tip: Azorious detained your creatures? No worry! You can still tap them as a cost to get the huge token! ;)
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (9/30/2012 12:56:24 PM)


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