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Community Rating: 3.909 / 5  (99 votes)
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If you are playing Limited and are drafting white and green, this is an obvious first pick. If you are not playing white and green, this is also a first pick, given how difficult it is to deal with. While not as hard to deal with in Standard or any other non-block Constructed format, in limited, you will generally need to tie up a lot of resources to get rid of it. There are only 2 land destruction cards in RtR, and they both costly (5 CMC each) and sorceries. Creature removal that can take care of this guy is generally expensive (Trostani's Judgment and Assassin's Strike for 6 CMC, Voidwielderfor 5 CMC, Launch Party for 4 CMC and one of your creatures), rare (Abrupt Decay, Cyclonic Rift, Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Pithing Needle), or generally unplayable (Traitorous Instinct/autoc... (see all)
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (11/1/2012 12:19:04 PM)


Posted By: chrome_dome (1/14/2013 8:36:22 AM)


Man, I don't like Selesnya, but all these temple colossi are just the epitome of cool. If you haven't played Shadow of the Colossus and want to experience these things in videogame form, do it now. You will not be disappointed. You will be moved.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/14/2013 2:01:40 PM)


A pain in the ass card. If they've ramped at all you KNOW that thing is getting populated. If they haven't, you still need removal *right now.*

Posted By: blurrymadness (4/27/2013 10:37:20 AM)


This card on my opponents side gave me the win once. I was playing simic. I used thespian stage to copy it. Prophetic prism To give me the white i needed then I used its ability. It came in triggering my ivy lane denizen so I put the counter on my elusive krasis giving me the one extra power I needed to win what would otherwise be a losing game.
Posted By: danialjames (5/27/2013 3:41:04 PM)



It's colorless. The color of a card is typically indicated by its mana cost. (There are exceptions.) Lands, having no mana cost, are mostly colorless, with the exceptions being Dryad Arbor and activated Zendikar man-lands, such as Stirring Wildwood. The man-lands only gain color when they are activated. Otherwise, they are colorless.

While abilities with activation costs don't affect a card's color, they do affect a card's color identity, but that's only used in EDH/Commander.
Posted By: Okuu-chan (7/27/2013 2:15:57 AM)


5 cmc and two tapped creatures to put the ultimate Populate target onto the battlefield.
Posted By: Zebra_Lord (9/7/2013 1:29:08 PM)


The token is supposed to be Risen Santuary
Posted By: at0micpickle (10/18/2013 11:28:54 AM)


turns into a risen sanctuary
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (10/30/2013 11:08:06 AM)


This deserves a higher rating than what it currently has, honestly. This wins games. So many of Selesyna's cards Populate stuff, and this land turns into a populatable, Vigilant 8/8. You can't go wrong there.
Posted By: MrBrightsideX11 (12/1/2013 11:55:43 AM)


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