I don't get the (X)(X). Does that mean you must pay atleast 10 or must I pay X x2? Please help me outta here.
Posted By:
(5/1/2013 1:49:03 PM)
Tremendously powerful card. If you miracle this with 4 mana out, in most cases you will destroy all your opponent's creatures. Against a fast red deck, that's enough to end the game then and there.
@Texasdice: Pay X twice. So if you have 7 mana, you can cast it for 3.
Posted By:
(5/5/2013 12:36:28 AM)
This card is very good in Standard.
I am finding myself comparing it to Lavalanche, which I think I like a bit better if I don't consider the colour of the mana involved. Bonefire is better at killing x/1's, but it's starts to get worse when I need to kill x/3 creatures or better, unless you miracle it - then it's just better regardless.
I do like bonfire because it just requires a single red mana though, making it incredibly splashable, while Lavalanche has to be played in a Jund deck.
I think it's modern applications are much worse though, so price of the card is going to drop like crazy once it's out of standard. I just can't see how this deals with Tarmogoyf's and the like.
Posted By:
(7/2/2013 4:43:12 AM)
"So powerful", and yet it sure can ruin a perfectly good opening hand. If I have just one in my deck, I will get it in my starting hand nearly every time :( This card is pretty useless unless you top-deck it. Nothing is more frustrating than wishing you could wipe the board against 'Humans' for 3 mana and you can't even kill a bunch of 1/1's because they have a stupid Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. It IS a game changer when everything "works out with it" though.
Posted By:
(8/17/2013 1:07:58 AM)
5 mana for half a volatile rig explosion? I approve.
Posted By:
(8/22/2013 11:08:15 AM)
Something to point out is that you can't ramp it's miracle cost without instant speed effects (of which, most ramping spells are not.) You can't use Koth to make it huge or braid of fire. Most of the time you can't use mana echoes
It's a great card! But it is much harder to utilize as a finisher since it can't be pumped easily.
Posted By:
(8/23/2013 1:50:51 PM)
Well, a miracle to one person is a Barbeque to another...
At least in MTG.
Posted By:
(10/13/2013 12:12:47 PM)
Miracle is just so much fun!
Posted By:
(4/8/2014 5:19:00 AM)