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I run this in my Ghave EDH deck, along with Seedborn Muse. However, I NEEEEEVER play this card unless I have ways of blowing it up, in case someone wipes the board. Or at least a way to make sure my creatures can't be destroyed easily, Asceticism, Eldrazi Monument, etc.

Extremely effective card draw. I was using Carnage Altar, and still have it as a sideboard card, but Symbiotic Deployment is just amazing with Saprolings.
Posted By: endersblade (10/25/2012 12:22:29 AM)


I think I nuke the board enough that I can't use this card. Nuking the board is crucial to getting through a lot of aggro decks and especially multiplayer where if you have no nukes, players get out of control too easily. I think roughly half of my decks have nukes, the other half having lots of targetted/repeatable removal.

This is a decent card, but it has to be reasonably low levels of play to be successful, even in casual, as it's too easy to screw yourself. That said, if you have cheap enchantment removal or phasing effects this could easily be averted unless your run into both nukes AND discard at the same time.

Posted By: blurrymadness (2/8/2013 12:37:05 PM)


Breakable with Prophet of Kruphix and, since you'll be playing blue as well, have a counter handy for creature wipes. Draw cards at the end of anyone's turn, and do it again on the next person's turn.
Posted By: jfre81 (12/23/2013 2:00:36 PM)


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