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Community Rating: 2.859 / 5  (39 votes)
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This seems like an immigrant from New Phyrexia. Seriously, I think he got stuck in a Time Machine or something.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (7/23/2012 12:18:20 AM)


You could run this guy in mono black and drop him prior to mutilate or killing wave. Him ghost quarter, Maw of the Mire, and Brink of Disaster are a decent start to a land destruction deck.
Posted By: Boneshard (9/4/2012 8:34:00 PM)


Diregraph captain+Grim-Grin Corpse born=loose one life, and loose one land.
Posted By: potato87 (7/24/2013 9:15:08 PM)


The perfect target in my Grimgrin, Corpse-born EDH. Really cheap to get out with cards such as Rooftop storm, Undead warchief and graveyard hijinks. Not only does he stop people from attacking you outright, thus giving you that little bit extra time to combo off in a jam, but they know you can pop him with Grimgrin at any time. I had Helldozer in there, but decided to take it out for this guy. Less overt land destruction, and doesn't need to be haste to still be useful. One less mana and this guy would be amazing. For five mana, in the right deck, he still is, so I'll give him a 4/5.
Posted By: BobbySinclair (1/27/2014 2:46:38 AM)


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