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An opponent played this against me while I had Kher Keep out. Instant Commandeer target!
Posted By: LordRandomness (8/26/2012 10:18:31 PM)


Basically turns all your creatures into Champion of the Parish. 5-mana means you'll have to wait until mid-game to play this card which doesn't have an obvious synergy with white-weenie/soldier decks, but it does eliminate the problem of white-weenie getting out-classed by mid-range stompy decks. Could potentially be insane in the right deck. 4.5/5
Posted By: Hermeezey (8/29/2012 6:02:34 AM)


Suprised nobody has mentioned Springjack Shepherd. With just these two cards, you get three 4/5 goats and a 5/6 Springjack as long as you let Springjack's enter the battlefield ability resolve first.
Posted By: dberry02 (9/5/2012 11:54:20 PM)


@Ozram - You hurt people's heads. Seriously, why would you even think about that??

Let's see if I can figure this out:

You have Doubling Season and Juniper Order Ranger out, along with the Crusade. You cast Fists of Ironwood on something (JOR for this example); you put 4 Saprolings out (thanks, Doubling Season), your Ranger puts 2 +1/+1 counters on each and 8 +1/+1 counters on itself (again, DS). Since four creatures just entered play, you get to put 8 +1/+1 counters on each of the Saprolings (from CC and DS) and 8 +1/+1 counters on the Ranger.

You end up with:

An 18/20 Juniper Order Ranger
8 11/11 Saprolings

My math may be off...I hurt my head trying to figure this out.
Posted By: Alsebra (9/20/2012 12:07:55 PM)


@DanKnight I don't think it works that way. All the Angels hit the field at the same instant - not one after the other. So they all only get the +5/+5 and everything else you have out as well. That's the way it was ruled by a judge at an FNM when I popped Ajani for his cat tokens. I had 32 life and so got 32 cat tokens. They and all my other creatures instantly got 32 +1/+1 counters because the tokens hit the field at the same instant rather than one after the other.
Posted By: Lord_Padriac (9/28/2012 12:45:58 PM)


I'm currently running a Boros Humans Standard deck right now that's been surprisingly fantastic. Getting this out of the field usually means I win. Because if playing Thatcher Revolt the next turn and getting 3 4/4's with haste doesn't win me the game, having a field of weenies that just got permanently +3/+3 bigger certainly does.
Posted By: cardraptor6 (11/13/2012 12:02:43 PM)


Very awesome with persist-- have some kind of sac outlet (i.e. Phyrexian Altar) for a creature like Woodfall Primus and you can blow up all your opponents' lands while making all your creatures extremely huge and, in the case of the altar, producing an absurd amount of mana!
Posted By: Keiya (12/19/2012 12:37:33 AM)


When you play a card and your opponent says "Oh no, not that ****ing card," you know it's good.
Posted By: tehsquirrely (1/7/2013 1:08:28 AM)


blink/ conjurer's closet =D
and increasing devotion
Posted By: enjoy (1/25/2013 12:57:31 PM)


Fun along side Norin the Weary with Champion of the Parish and Vigilante Justice. Ridiculous in a mutli-way game.
Posted By: somegeek (3/7/2013 8:15:31 AM)


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