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Community Rating: 2.551 / 5  (49 votes)
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Whaaattt, this is totally playable. Blue doesn't get many 2 mana 2/1's with effects. Maybe not Snapcaster playable, but not everything can be ;P
Posted By: ThisisSakon (9/25/2012 11:54:11 PM)


Hmm, another milling vedalken. This would fit nicely in my mill deck. I am a pro so I will find a way to pump him for maximum effectiveness.
Posted By: Lotsofpoopy (9/26/2012 5:00:24 AM)


This isn't for mill as a win condition. This is for mill as a form of aggressive control in a blue aggro. In that sense, I wholeheartedly approve. Not EVERYTHING has to be a win con, and sometimes, all you really need to do with mill is destabilize an opponent's own plans while you work on yours. In that sense, amazing card, works great with Rogue's Passage and Trepanation Blade. Maybe even Mindcrank if you feel like being silly.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (11/1/2012 10:15:15 AM)


Run with Stromkirk Noble and watch your deck strut its stuff.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (11/12/2012 10:26:35 AM)


So, Coral Merfolk. How're you doing?

Not well? That's a shame...
Posted By: Ferlord (12/1/2012 10:01:57 AM)


@DoragonShinzui, how does non-wincon mill disrupt anyone's plans? They go from having one card on the top of their library that they don't know what it is, to having a different card on the top of their library that they don't know what it is, plus they have some knowledge of what it likely isn't. To the extent that it affects plans at all, it makes it easier for your opponent to make plans.

I guess it can affect their plans if they're using something that puts a card on the top of their library, but effects that take advantage of the graveyard are a lot more widespread than that. And you could use this in conjunction with something that lets you see the top of their library, but that would mean holding back from the attack about half the time, and you can't do it on their turn.
Posted By: sonorhC (1/5/2013 12:37:27 PM)


SPOILER ALERT! Will work excellently with Dimir's new ability: cypher.

oooo. The mystery! They haven't a clue!
Posted By: handoflazav_414 (1/6/2013 12:54:06 PM)


2/5. Decent card in limited but won't see much constructed play. Better for commander and kitchen table games.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/12/2013 8:09:34 PM)


Love this card right now pairing it with Trepanation Blade and once Gatecrash comes out his new buddy will be the new Dimir guild mage which no matter what I equip on to him, will allow him to hit for double, Tripple if he's got Trepanation blade.
Posted By: ImeanReally (1/13/2013 3:57:31 PM)


has anyone thought about Way of the Thief or Tricks of the Trade with cypher to create an unblock able discarding 4 monster with effects.
Posted By: redotis123 (5/2/2013 7:26:39 PM)


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