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Community Rating: 3.835 / 5  (85 votes)
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So Dredge is not Standard legal, but this with Rot Farm Skeleton, Unburial Rites, Treasured Find, Splinterfright, Ghoultree, Wreath of Geists, Boneyard Wurm, Jarad, etc. etc...
Posted By: Hussalo (8/24/2013 1:19:24 PM)


If you don't care much about the instant speed, getting a land and/or can't afford splashing black,
try Commune with the Gods, which is a Sorcery for 1Green that does the same with enchantments and creatures.
Posted By: Mode (11/17/2013 1:35:37 PM)


Worm Harvest.
Posted By: creepycrawler (3/28/2014 6:07:11 PM)


Compared to Mulch: The fact that this is instant and can dig for creatures makes it really competent in many decks.
For example: Turn two you can keep mana open to Mana Leak opponents 2-drop. What am I saying, you definitely want Rune Snag if you play this :-) If there is no need to counter, just Salvage for turn 3 Tombstalker.
Grisly Salvage pairs so nicely with Snapcaster mage and Eternal Witness and helps you get your guys even in control-heavy decks that have only few creatures.

Backbone of my modern BUG deck. 5/5
Posted By: zipec (6/8/2014 3:28:39 PM)


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