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Primal Forcemage makes sweet, sweet bestial love to this thing.
Posted By: UncleJulio (4/27/2012 3:46:10 AM)


It's like a Viashino Sandstalker. Except, if you burned away your opponents creatures, the sandstalker is superior to the dragon, because it costs three mana instead of four. Still, the dragon ain't that bad. Not awesome either.
Posted By: majinara (4/27/2012 12:03:12 AM)


I know it's kinda obvious to say that any Angel, Demon, or Dragon works well in a Kaalia of the Vast Commander deck. But this guy works so well there that I can't help but think he was made specifically for that deck.
Posted By: miilkshake (4/27/2012 6:13:37 AM)


Anyone else agree that Wizards needs to stop printing dragons just for the sake of dragons?
Dragons, in my opinion, have to be something special, not just a big red creature that fits in every set; although I have to say Archwing here isn't as bad as the two from Dark Ascension or Innistrad

P.S. See Granny's Payback for flavor text analogous to this card's flavor text.
Posted By: pedrodyl (4/27/2012 9:41:54 AM)


I wanted a another splashy mythic dragon from the last Innestrad set. I am dissapoint.
Posted By: RAV0004 (4/27/2012 2:30:24 PM)


Too expensive for something that doesn't stick around. It's probably playable to an extent but it's not my cuppa tea.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (4/26/2012 10:51:34 PM)


I don't think people truely understand how freaking good this card is. It says that you have to return it to your hand at the end of your turn, but it doesn't specify from where.

It means that even if your opponent manages to kill it, counter it, or exile it (though all the good exile cards I can name don't play fast enough) you still return it to your hand. That's how powerful it is. The only drawbacks to it is that you have to pay the mana cost every time and in some instances you need a blocker on the field but it is still very hard to to argue with a turn-four flying stomper.
Posted By: nessy_ydissac (4/30/2012 9:43:08 AM)


cool dawg
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (4/27/2012 10:44:40 AM)


A blockable and reusable burn card? Definitely not worth a rare slot.
Posted By: DragonLord132 (4/27/2012 11:42:11 AM)


@ nessy:
5/1/2012 Archwing Dragon is only returned to its owner's hand if it's on the battlefield.
other wise the text will say something like "at the begining of the end step, return this card to your hand from anywhere" or something. i am not good at writing rules.

it is still fricken awsome. if your oppoenent has no anwser to it then its a guaranteed 4 damage a turn. angels tomb for an other 3, warstorm surge for an extra 4, slayers stronghold for an extra 2 damage (although the vigilance and haste is wasted on him).
Posted By: theoneandonlyjoseph (5/1/2012 3:22:35 AM)


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