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Come on, guys. This is a fantastic turn one with Noxious Revival. It's the keystone of my red/green ramp deck.
Posted By: Rachmaninoff (5/7/2012 1:58:27 PM)


Zoo decks lost Wild Nacatl because it was too powerful, and then they print this guy? Take a minute to think of this yourself: You're playing a deck with Ranger of Eos, this and Tarmogoyf. Imagine finding two of these with the Ranger and letting your opponent decide whether to take 8 to the face for RR, possibly pumping your 'Goyf, or let you have two 4/3's for two mana (which is better than Wild Nacatl was). Even if you cast this on your first turn, you're still ending up with either a) a 4/3 for one mana, or b) 4 damage to your opponent's face and an early creature in the graveyard to pump up your Tarmogoyf.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (5/8/2012 4:34:15 AM)


This creature can't be beat in terms of efficiency.

Scenario 1: Opponent believes they can't respond to a 4/3 quickly enough, takes 4 damage.

Scenario 2: Opponent believes they can respond to it and let it stick. You now have a 4/3 beatstick for R.

Either way you come out winning. And of course your opponent will try to do what they think is best for them... that doesn't mean it actually is best.

Granted, the card doesn't have haste. But compared to a goblin guide, another premier red 1 drop creature, you will catch up in damage with the first swing and surpass it greatly if you get another swing or two in with the devil. And no putting lands in your opponent's hand either!

Besides, red has plenty of haste options available ala reckless charge that only cost 1 mana and also buff damage.

Overall amazing card.
Posted By: Sothasil (5/9/2012 12:29:30 PM)


With anyform of card draw in your deck, this guy is always useful.
Posted By: The-Earth-Dragon (5/10/2012 11:19:24 AM)


I guess no one where ever remembered Longhorn Firebeast? Compared to that one, and you will see why this one is worth that single Red mana you invested.
Posted By: FIAmagic (5/14/2012 6:40:25 PM)


Think about putting this with Sun Titan and Angel Of Jubilation, Play it first up then play AOJ then if one is in the graveyard bring it back with sun titan. a 4/3 for 1 red..... Awsome i say
Posted By: afterman24 (5/15/2012 4:04:20 AM)


I have some questions about the wording on this. It's very procedural and it requires the opponent to take damage as a cost to force you to sacrifice it. Would there be any space on the stack to sacrifice it to something else after the opponent takes the damage but before you sacrifice it?

It might be tempting to play it on the first turn but most people will just always take the damage. If you had fling in your hand on turn 3 or 4, that's 8 damage right there for 1RR.. For a lot of people playing the white-red this set with the weenies getting pumped up, it would fit great in any deck that can still work off of 3 mana the entire game.
Posted By: iamthenop (6/11/2012 1:31:10 PM)


jmindfingerpainter....that's just evil. Here, have this: Miracle + Liliana Vess works pretty nice :p

Vampiric Tutor 'on The Stick' is even nicer. :p

@TheWrathofShane-- I'll just summarize my last post because now I want to comment on the card for real. :)

"Green, White, and Blue are the Good Guys, Devils are the Bad Guys, and having Bad Guys on cards is actually a Good Thing, even for Good Guys. Innistrad was the most Religious-friendly block I can think of in the history of MTG, it actually had an Organized Church that turned out NOT to be secretly corrupt the whole time. You know how rare that is to find in Fantasy? Read up on Lord of the Rings and get back to us on Vexing Devil please. :) "

(Also, I would modify the support LordPoopsicle gave me by stating that from a Christian standpoint, White has equal capacity for Good and Evil, Orzhova being Magic's Poster-child for what happens when an organization like the C... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/7/2013 7:43:14 AM)


dudes one drop four damage or one drop 4/3 creature this card wreaks no matter what how is it still just rated 4/5?!
Posted By: MDG117 (5/22/2013 8:50:11 AM)


It gives your opponent a choice, sure. A choice between 4 damage and 4 damage. Not much of a choice.
Posted By: BagsMcpiper (5/4/2012 10:28:38 AM)


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