There are more butthurt Atheists in here than butthurt Christians.
And that's hilarious.
But no seriously, stop being assholes to each other.
Posted By:
(8/26/2013 8:34:12 PM)
if your i minorly skilled player, shut up please. 1 mana for a 4/3 creature in a red deck is good hands down, leaving mana for more spells...ur dumb
Posted By:
(11/17/2012 10:23:32 AM)
I think this card is OP. Dealing your opponent 4 damage on turn one is OP. Having a 4/3 on turn 2 is OP. I think you should at least have to combo or otherwise be clever for effects like that. As it is, it's a cheap thrill that detracts from the game. I'd feel a lot differently about it if it cost RR or 1R. 2/5
Posted By:
(5/23/2013 4:23:01 PM)
One of the most unfun and imbalanced cards to come about in a great while. Not quite as ridiculously overpowered as Thunderous Wrath (: You win the game), though. It's unsurprising, however, that both cards appear in the same expansion set. As long as Hasbro keeps printing cards like these, Magic: the Gathering won't need any enemies.
Posted By:
(7/16/2012 4:53:27 PM)
@Magic bird.
Still no reason to even go there in the first place. Change demon to Dreadlord and devil to Defiler. Bam, you successfully satisfied all parties.
I know 3 Christians who play this game, there are 2 billion Christians on the planet. Not that hard to make something else up besides evil religious figures.
You provided no explanation why magic should print devils other then giving Christians the middle finger and basically implying we don't want you here. You are free to offend 2 billion people on this planet, this is a free nation. But do yourself a favor and come up with a real reason besides F Religion I do what I want.
As for the card, well balanced. 4 damage for is great, and 4/3 for is incredible. The drawback being if they can deal with the 4/3, its close to a dead draw.
Posted By:
(5/16/2013 7:01:43 PM)
... Or now that we'll have Born of the Gods, is it a 0/-1 Tribute 4 that says, "when Vexing Devil dies, if its tribute cost wasn't paid, it deals 4 damage to the opponent?"
Posted By:
(1/12/2014 9:54:07 PM)
Dexing Vevil.
Posted By:
(1/23/2014 5:52:16 AM)
So can I abuse this with blink effects (assuming they choose to take the damage)?
Posted By:
(2/6/2014 9:51:30 AM)
Opponent - Meh,it's ok,I'd rather lose 4 lif...
Me - And thus,the earth split,and from the infernal flames a sinister figure emerged,they call him Rakdos, Lord of Riots.
Posted By:
(2/12/2014 10:41:21 PM)
Actually, Kaleidostorm, Varolz, The Scar-Striped is smiling at Death's Shadow! This comes in third, after Hunted Horror.
Posted By:
(2/19/2014 12:41:37 PM)