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Before I get started, I want to say that the argument of this card being equivalent to mulling to 6 in exchange for 4 life is incredibly stupid. The same could be said for any other direct damage spell, and for red deck wins and burn spells in general, move of the time their opening move would involve chewing off someone's life with a direct damage spell or similar, vexing devil or not.
Anyway, I was discussing this card with someone the other day, and we both seemed to agree that this guy will probably be format dependent. Among his drawbacks are the ability for the opponent to force you to sac him, lack of evasion, and lack of haste. All of those can be a problem for burn decks that really need to pile on the damage as soon as possible. A format that has a lot of direct damage spells and allows a deck to be pure burn will do a lot better with this deck because most people that can't deal with a 4/3 will take the damage instead. That alone make's a burn deck's job easier since the jo... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 7:47:14 AM)
You know how I know everyone has the same opinion because they read this through before hand and just agree with everyone else, not thinking about it themselves. Because EVERYONE is comparing it to a burn spell, and not a creature that comes into play and dies.
What cards in STANDARD love creatures dying in order to trigger better effects. Morbid maybe?
is tragic slip and brimstone volley not used anymore? In RDW especially, I have seen brimstone volley more than once. and 4 mana for 9 damage is not a bad deal, expecially if your opponent is at 9 due to previous burns and such they have taken, see vexing devil come out, think they are safe, and you play it out for game. Or they leave it be with the risk and now you have a 4/2 and 3 mana open to do something.
Morbid is a keyword that is easily triggered. Even easier now that vexing devil is here.
Vexing devil is not a one drop. Playing it like it is isn't the best idea, because it always dies. And at sorcery spee... (see all)
Posted By:
(5/4/2012 12:09:18 PM)
Woo. Finally, a way to significantly burn your opponent's face on turn one. Or, get out a 4/3 with no drawbacks on turn one :D
Posted By:
(5/9/2012 12:28:25 AM)
No matter what your opponent chooses, you get ridiculous value for just one red mana. At least they get to choose and not the caster, otherwise id be even more angered.
Posted By:
(5/9/2012 7:13:47 AM)
@TheWrathOfShane - If you're seriously offended by the inclusion of Devil creature types, then don't play them. Chances are WotC recognizes that there are some bible-beaters who will give up the game as a result. They've also recognized that those are such a small percentage of players that they just aren't worth worrying about. If it turns you off of the game altogether, look me up and I'll consider giving you a couple bucks for your cards.
I think what I'm getting at here is "get over it, sport, it just isn't that big a deal".
On to the card - This is a nasty one-drop. I'd pay RR for it, with no problem. Chances are that in the first 2 or 3 turns, your opponent will just eat the damage. Which really just means you're getting a Lightning Bolt plus one damage. Isn't that just a crying shame?
If you're putting together your red aggro deck, this belongs in it. Up there with Rakdos Cackler, ironically another Devil, for solid one-drop cr... (see all)
Posted By:
(4/13/2013 12:05:05 AM)
@thewrathofshane: Because devils are displayed on tv, over the internet, in books and have been a theme for centuries, both inside and outside Christianity - devils are the classically evil creatures, not just to Christians but to everyone.
I don't have a problem with Christians, just the extremist ones like you that think everything is an insult to them, just like you were complaining on the Army of Allah page and numerous other pages. You're obviously too much of a coward to voice your extremism elsewhere so you complain and threaten to quit on the forums of a card game. And there might be 2 billion Christians but you are the only one that's complaining on these forums so clearly there are smarter and less extremist Christians out there who don't agree with you. Why should Wizards change demon to dreadlord and devil to defiler just to satisfy one extremist?
Stop being a child. If something offends you, deal with it. If you want to quit, quit but stop whinging a... (see all)
Posted By:
(5/26/2013 3:30:08 PM)
@wrathofshane Because Demons and Devils fit flavorfully flavorful in Magic. If you don't like it go play Pokemon. Dreadlords and Defilers just sound stupid.
@lifegainwithnibble I take his most recent edit to mean yes, he wants it in smaller words.
Posted By:
(7/20/2013 7:33:19 PM)
Pretty much a slightly better lightning bolt, but still the best thing I ever found in a booster pack!
Posted By:
(7/31/2012 1:26:12 PM)
Endless debates will be had over this card, I'm sure.
I for one think it's great. It does lose it's power once you get a bit into the game, so that does take away from it.
But early-game, this is amazing value, so for that reason alone, I think you'e gonna want to run at least a couple of these little things.
Posted By:
(4/26/2012 11:28:02 PM)
I traded a foil and a non foil of these for a revised plateau at the prerelease, I think I made out good, this is going to drop in price after it stops winning or cycles out of Type 2.
Posted By:
(4/30/2012 2:35:28 PM)