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Community Rating: 4.443 / 5  (307 votes)
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@Kiseki: Or you could just, you know, use something like Overwhelming Forces.
Posted By: Nikeyeia (5/14/2013 10:18:45 AM)


Love at first sight. Beasts weren't really as relevant at the time, but he's such a charmer that nobody cared. I could gaze lovingly into his bowel-loosening chest-mouth all day long. Want my spirit, sweetie? Go ahead and monger it... 5/5
Posted By: Pongdok (6/13/2013 6:09:36 PM)


What happened to the rulings for this card? This is one of my favorite cards, but there was a ruling about the color change ability and using non-standard colors that I need to confirm.
Posted By: Stormchildl (7/22/2013 12:35:31 PM)


A 6/6 for 5 wasn't overly played back then, and it isn't now either. See Underworld Cerberus. Still, this 6/6 gets a 5/5 from me.
Posted By: Continue (12/3/2013 11:09:47 AM)


Can still be used in Legacy via Nic Fit decks or a possible 1-of in a Jund/Junk/Rock deck if you're a little crazy.

He's crazy huge and difficult to get rid of; beautiful and affordable.
Good card is good!
Posted By: blurrymadness (2/3/2014 4:24:45 PM)


In the famous words of Jeremy Clarkson; "I only have to imagine him, in foily, and I'm nursing a semi."

Seriously, though, what in the world? Black/Green is OBVIOUSLY R&D's favorite color combo. This AND Pernicious Deed in the same set?

Favorite creature ever.

My buddy will always hold a Treachery in EDH and wait for me to play this, then laugh maniacally while he bludgeons my face with my own favorite creature. Good times.
Posted By: JunkHarvester (5/15/2014 1:57:13 PM)


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