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Aw, I thought this was an enchantment.
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (11/5/2012 8:56:10 PM)


This plus Worldspine Wurm has the potential to be a lot of fun. Bam! Eleven green mana with which to cast whatever you want, AND you still have three 5/5 tramplers. Better still is to do this in a Hero deck, with Worldspine Wurm as your Hero - Cast it one turn, sac it to Metamorphosis the following turn and for the cost of one tapped land, you can replay it immediately. Three 5/5 tramplers, and a nice, horrific 15/15.

Coincidentally, a Hero deck built around powering out Worldspine Wurm as fast as possible is the only one in which I've ever found use for Boundless Realms.
Posted By: Keldane (12/2/2012 1:10:25 AM)


Veteran Explorer + this = 4-5 mana open T2, enough for a Garruk Wildspeaker while fixing your mana. This also implies you should have enough for Primeval Titan T3.
Posted By: blurrymadness (8/23/2013 10:30:48 AM)


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