Just pray you never have to face this in draft. Just when you think you have their token army finally under control.
Posted By:
(4/3/2013 8:46:41 AM)
With Trostani, Selesnya's Voice and this even the lowliest Populate effect gains you 4 life- Gather the Townsfolk would give you 8 minimum and Fateful Hour - 20 life! Captain of the Watch would give you 21 and Trostani's Summoner 22!Magical Xmas-land!
Posted By:
(5/10/2013 3:15:44 AM)
This tends to work really well in an infect deck.
Posted By:
(6/5/2013 2:57:05 PM)
@Aryvander: Kids like you who do nothing but whine and complain because they can't be bothered to make the effort to understand and get better at the game ruin mtg for actual players. Find a new game that more suits your intelligence like Solitaire.
Posted By:
(6/30/2013 6:32:50 PM)
Good, but horribly boring
Posted By:
(7/30/2013 3:57:25 PM)
Nicely puts Elvish Mystic out of Anger of the Gods range, and Voyaging Saytr and Sylvan Caryatid out of Mizzium Mortars range. The biggest threats to ramp creatures. The downside being that you need ramp to cast it.
Posted By:
(11/18/2013 4:15:43 AM)
obviously made for token decks but runs well in any deck able to build up the mana, at the least it will get most creatures out of the range of anger of the gods or mizzium mortars
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 3:03:45 AM)
An example of one of the many reasons I play green-white:
The beautiful cards!
Posted By:
(3/27/2014 6:27:38 PM)