Rakdos is so naughty :(
@Demento_Recraves: Wouldn't that turn into a Hunger Game instead?
Posted By:
(9/26/2012 9:04:47 AM)
Currently, this is the best counter to Thragtusk madness in standart...
Posted By:
(11/1/2012 5:33:58 AM)
May the odds be ever in your favor. Or mine. Definitely mine.
Posted By:
(9/25/2012 10:42:13 PM)
In terms of power, this rates very high. However, I dislike the fact that this card exists. The uncounterable part is just grossly unnecessary on something like this. If anyone came up with a viable combo deck in standard, this single card would make it impossible for that deck to work. The only reason it isn't format-warping is that there haven't really been any viable combo decks.
That being said, it's still pretty harsh against control decks.
What I'm trying to get at is that a healthy standard format should involve players picking responses to what their opponents use, and those opponents then can think of responses to play, and so on... a constantly changing metagame of adaptation. The problem with Slaughter Games is that there is no adapting to this card short of playing a deck that isn't vulnerable to it. It's a card that comes just short of saying "you lose" to certain decks that could otherwise be formidable, and there is not a single thing those decks can do to adapt... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/14/2014 8:55:03 AM)
Pros like me will use this to choose the best card in an opponent's deck, which will effectively cripple them.
Posted By:
(9/27/2012 7:58:38 PM)
Memoricide was a bit better because of the splashability, but this is still good.
Posted By:
(9/30/2012 1:11:48 PM)
The question is, who gets the first slice?
Posted By:
(9/30/2012 8:04:30 PM)
For some reason I really think this would have made a better Dimir card for the cycle. because really what does Rakdos care what your thinking he's to busy eating your face.
Posted By:
(10/4/2012 9:53:06 PM)
everytime i talk to anyone about this card they all say it sucks, and i really dont understand why.
i've been playtesting a deck with 3 in the mainboard (its a mid-range control-ish B/R deck) and almost every time i play this turn four it all but shuts the other guy down and the win isnt to far behind.
im just curious as to why everyone thinks this card is bad.
Posted By:
(10/7/2012 10:46:42 AM)
It's the birthday of the big guy on the right. He's about to cut the cake!
Posted By:
(10/18/2012 7:28:47 PM)