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Community Rating: 3.783 / 5  (69 votes)
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Are you ever going to use Ihsan's Shade? Probably not. Does he stomp colon against a mono-white when you toss him in a reanimator deck? Sure does. Glowing red eyes and a portrait by the venerable Mr. Rush? Check. 5/5? Yes he is.
Posted By: Pongdok (1/19/2014 3:26:20 PM)


Sorry Baris, but the serra paladins already had plenty of shame brought on them before this whole Ihsan mess.
Posted By: Lazrbeams (5/23/2014 6:15:59 AM)


I remember running a pair of these bad boys in my mono black back in the days.

And I just realized his armor is the corrupted form found on Serra Paladin. So much flavor!
Posted By: Claytoon (5/26/2014 10:32:01 AM)


Back when R&D were afraid of making Legends too strong.
Posted By: car2n (5/28/2014 1:40:58 AM)


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