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Community Rating: 3.731 / 5  (67 votes)
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My favorite commander ever. He is perfect, my favorite color combination, my favorite tribal type (Zombie), head of my favorite guild, plays perfectly in a grave-synergy deck, which is my favorite type of deck. He has a powerful ability and is an amazing combo piece. 5/5
Posted By: Rikiaz (9/12/2012 2:11:31 PM)


So in the story line, he sacrifices himself to save his son. He died being sacrifices to Rakdos. He then comes back to live as a lich. And the Golgari Guildgate says "Enter those who are starving and sick. You are welcome among the Swarm when the rest of Ravnica rejects you. Jarad is Jesus! If you see that his son is a metaphor for child...Children.. Then you see that he is being sacrificed to Rakdos who is represented by Satan.. Add that he came back to life.. And the motto of the guild being about accepting the sick and starving. The only conclusion is that Jarad is magic Jesus!
Posted By: Yozuk (9/14/2012 11:34:38 AM)


This guy screams 'RESPOND NOW' in a casual dredge deck. He's also a house in this duel deck. 5/5
Posted By: TheManakinTransfer (9/21/2012 2:17:35 AM)


Hmmm, thinking of a way to make an EDH, dredge, graveyard with this guy....could be fun.
Posted By: MANABURNWASGOOD (9/25/2012 7:16:52 AM)


If someone plays Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord has one creature in the graveyard, but has a corpsjack menace in play as well. Does he then get two +1/+1 instead??
Posted By: katwomyn4ever (3/18/2013 4:31:08 PM)



Jarad's effect does not place +1/+1 counters on himself, so it is unaffected by Corpsejack Menace.
Posted By: Zebra_Lord (8/12/2013 5:43:51 PM)


Nice card.
Posted By: Benreaper (2/1/2014 11:58:38 AM)


I really wish he could sac himself to his ability. He's a lich, so he shouldn't fear death, and his +1/+1 for each gravecreature would provide such nice synergy. Then of course just sac some lands and he's reborn. I feel like that's what would really push him over into mythic territory. As is, he's still fairly powerful, just not as much as he could be if he were practicing the true tenets of Golgari: all is fertilizer. All will be one eventually, anyways.

Edit: That said, after playing him in standard 'Dredge,' the second ability can be demned powerful, and it's exactly what G/B needs to get through straight to the life, something it isn't always able to do. I still wish he could sac himself, but I do have more respect for him now.
Posted By: Goatllama (4/23/2014 12:08:17 PM)


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