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I don't always become a Magic card, but when I do I become Cabal Patriarch. at least that's what the art looked like he was saying to me.
Posted By:
(5/17/2012 10:56:06 AM)
I love the regal robes.
Posted By:
(5/22/2013 11:18:03 PM)
Shouldn't he be a cleric? It would make him better given the unusually small pool of in-tribe sac-outlets for clerics. Furthermore, being a Patriarch, is he not the head of the clergy? And therefore, a high ranking clergyman? Just thought that that was odd. (Legendary Creature - Human Cleric Wizard...Badass!) Would make him more versatile to.
Also, I can't believe I haven't seen this posted yet:
Why no name? I haven't yet read odyssey, but should he not have a name in-card? What I thought it could be is that it is implied that his loyalty to the cabal-- as its head even--is more importantly advertised by tradition, perhaps? That the Cabal's order requires you relinquish your name for a position's tittle...that would be cool. Very spooky xD.
Posted By:
(7/21/2013 11:14:09 PM)
I like how his abilities synergy, and there was some tricks with combat damage on the stack. But imagine this, just removing 1 creature in the yard and he can slay a 6/6 without dieing. He can also snipe serra angels for 6 mana.
In his own environment, 4.5/5, in modern magic, 3.5/5, ill give him a 4.
Posted By:
(9/6/2013 11:56:30 AM)
Definitely not a bad card, just a total pain to play as effectively as one would like.
Generally the most usable he's going to be is attacking and then proceeding to wither anything larger that blocks him at the cost of one of your creatures. I feel like the sacrifice clause and the overall cost of his abilities is what really limited his playability.
If he was printed today his ability would more likely read, sacrifice a creature or exile a creature card from a graveyard, target creature gets -2-2. He was pretty darn good back when he was printed, but at this point he's nearly outclassed by "newish" common cards like Deathspore Thallid, who cost less, don't use the legend rule, and do not require mana to use abilities whatsoever.
Posted By:
(10/15/2013 8:40:04 AM)
Hey, that guy looks like one evil priest. And he's doing some baaaad stuff, I bet this card fits right into that black/white cleric edh deck.
*Wizard Legend*
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Posted By:
(3/20/2014 5:40:28 PM)