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Community Rating: 2.783 / 5  (46 votes)
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this is a bad card. Its p/t are already under par for its casting cost, and then you have to sac it to do anything useful. And you don't even get to really trade cards with an opponent, you just set them back a turn. Which, contrary to popular opinion, is actually not that helpful. And it's also a hell of a waste of a rare slot. I mean between this, need for speed and the infamous mudhole red had some pretty laughable rares.
Posted By: allmighty_abacus (7/28/2010 8:28:10 PM)


I thought lands couldn't be responded to?
Posted By: wholelottalove (11/1/2012 12:11:25 PM)


@wholelottalove: They can't. Playing a land is a special action that can only be done on your turn, during one of your main phases, when the stack is empty, and can't be responded to because it doesn't use the stack. That's not what this card is for. You're supposed to crack this on your opponent's upkeep. That prevents him from playing a land for the rest of the turn.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/7/2013 11:08:33 AM)


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