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Community Rating: 3.600 / 5  (40 votes)
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It's kinda bad, it costs a mite bit too much.
Posted By: NARFNra (10/28/2010 9:11:23 PM)


In my very first deck back then I thought it was one of the best cards in the game.
Posted By: J_Lennon (1/9/2011 11:18:12 AM)


The rule about needing to distribute lethal damage before assigning damage to other creatures is incredibly annoying in this case and others like the Kashi-Tribe and Matsu-Tribe. They simply do not function as intended; I thought this was Wizard's prime consideration in changing rules.

Can anyone explain why they made this specific change (not damage on the stack)?
Posted By: djflo (1/14/2012 6:27:31 AM)


Cant assign 1 point to multiple creatures if they have 2 or more toughness!!
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (3/4/2013 9:55:36 PM)


It's threshold is actually not that bad; if you have some other fatties on the field with him, they will all go through, and then you'll choose which of his creatures die (and if he has any lowbies, kill them and whatever other creature you want). The latter is still not that useful though; you'll want to activate his ability when you're swinging to kill him with everything else.

If he cost less, he'd be a lot better than the 3 stars I gave him.
Posted By: Traius (7/17/2013 5:46:24 PM)


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