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This card is pure Evil !
Posted By: True_Smog (3/6/2010 9:39:26 AM)


This def. one of the most potent cards ever printed. So many times in turn one i've played akroma's and turn two trio's of demgod's. Def. the main staple of reanimate decks !!
Posted By: kilovortex (12/23/2009 5:57:15 PM)


35$ a pop, whooooaaaaaaaa!

Funny thing is a beginner will see no use whatsoever in this card. "But then... It's dead! I can't draw it anymore!" *trades against Craw Wurm and is happy*
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (2/23/2011 11:10:10 AM)


the flavor text in this card combos with the flavor text of gravedigger.
Posted By: supershawn (3/4/2011 10:52:45 AM)


Exhume and Entomb make perfect Isochron Scepter fodder.
Posted By: agentvirgo (5/6/2011 7:29:43 PM)


I LOVE Reanimator decks, and yes I've put a lot of money into mine, but $30.00 for a single card that you'd obviously want to play four of, is nothing short of ridiculous.

Although I've got my fingers crossed for a reprint, Buried Alive is a much more fair deal, and a playset of them won't 'entomb' you financially.
Posted By: Hayw00d0909 (5/10/2011 2:44:31 PM)


This would work with the Isochron Scepter, yes, but Exhume would not. It is a sorcery and the Scepter only works on instants.
Posted By: TheMurderousKitten (6/8/2011 9:25:46 AM)


One night...the WOTC design team got together for a night of drinking and brainstorming for new cards. Unfortunately, there was more drinking than designing.

But at the end of the night...when everybody was plastered out of their minds...the conversation went something like this.

WOTC Designer 1: Hey, why don't we make a card where somebody can go into their deck and pull out any card they want and just toss it in the graveyard?

WOTC Designer 2: Why would we want to do that?

WOTC Designer 1: Just to *** people off.

WOTC Designer 3: What color? And what would be the casting cost?

WOTC Designer 1: Black. And what the ****...let's make it a casting cost of 1 and an instant to boot.

WOTC Designer 4: (burp) Sounds ****ing great to me. Hell...let's do it.

And that's how this broken to hell card came to be.
Posted By: landboysteve (7/18/2011 2:27:26 PM)


Dumb, broken. Requires no thought.. just a lot of money. Should be restricted.
Posted By: Revelation666 (7/21/2011 10:52:48 PM)


@Dr_Fletchers worry not, for it shall be reprinted on the 18th of Nov in the Premium Deck: Graveborn, as confirmed today on MGTS. Finally I will be able to get a playset!
Posted By: teamfireyleader (10/25/2011 11:07:54 AM)


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