Best combo:
Turn 1: Forest, Utopia Sprawl declare Mountain
Turn 2: Forest, Goblin Bombardment or earthcraft and another Utopia Sprawl declare Mountain
Turn 3: Land of your choice, Goblin Bombardment or earthcraft (which ever one you didn't put down last turn) and Squirrel Nest.
Tap enchanted land, make a squirrel, tap squirrel to earthcraft, untap the Squirrel Nest land, tap to make a squirrel, repeat 10,000,000,000,000,000 times (since legaly you must declare an amount other than infinity.) Sacrifice them all to Goblin Bombardment Kill all creatures other than your own, and kill all opponents.
Posted By:
(6/22/2011 7:54:50 AM)
This combo calls for some Fire Ants.
Posted By:
(10/20/2009 7:58:31 PM)
can make a infinite combo with earthcraft to make a million tokens
Posted By:
(1/29/2009 11:08:18 PM)
I love squirrels.
I love 4th turn win conditions.
Thus, I love this card. :D
When I drop this with Earthcraft already in play, opponents tend to concede. Except one time I got Wrath of Godded, but still won the next turn.
Posted By:
(3/19/2010 11:33:20 AM)
A card doesn't have to be part of an infinite combo to be both fun and good. Who needs earthcraft?
Posted By:
(5/29/2010 8:25:30 PM)
Presence of Gond/Intruder Alarm does the same thing as Squirrel Nest/Earthcraft, except your million creatures aren't tapped when they come into play like they are with Earthcraft.
Posted By:
(12/14/2009 3:27:15 AM)
Do you also get the mana from tapping the land or do you have to choose wether to put out a token or gain mana?
Posted By:
(8/25/2010 4:32:23 PM)
LmFaO! Suddenly... SQUIRRELS! ahAHAhaha
They are going after my nuts!
Posted By:
(5/18/2011 8:29:19 PM)
Posted By:
(8/24/2011 8:57:52 AM)
Probably one of the only good enchant lands.
Posted By:
(1/28/2013 8:19:44 PM)