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huh i thought this was lilliana for a sec there
Posted By: aba1 (6/23/2010 12:19:08 PM)


This used to be my "in case of Emrakul" card, until I managed to pull a few Brittle Effigys.

It's not useless exactly, but the cost is pretty high. Then again this was printed in the days when exiling anything was almost exclusively a White thing. Most of the time whatever you need to remove can either be gotten via Unmake or something similar, or its a creature with protection from BLEH and you should just use Brittle Effigy instead.
Posted By: yyukichigai (1/20/2012 6:08:16 PM)


For 2 more you can have your very own shiny Karn Liberated; now with multiple uses!
Posted By: forumbrowser (6/16/2012 5:17:31 PM)


Hey there, silly Amulet? Where's ENCHANTMENT? Thanks for nothing. I'll take Nevinyrral's Disk, thank you very much.
Posted By: DrJack (8/22/2012 12:14:24 PM)


I guess it's usable with the Urzatron. But really, just use it's advanced cousin unless you really need removal in your blue/green deck.

EDIT: What the hell was I saying? Unmake is barely even related. Brittle Effigy is closer, but this stops most permanents so I'd say it has its place. In EDH.
Posted By: NARFNra (7/21/2013 4:09:39 PM)


Let's talk about how that looks like Liliana Vess
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (1/13/2014 9:54:22 PM)


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