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best creature in legacy.
2round dreadnought+ stifle GO
3.round attack (counter) GO
4. round WIN
Posted By: punkaffe (8/3/2009 11:04:13 AM)


This is one of my favorite cards ever...so good that a deck built around sidestepping the comes-into-play trigger can still be insanely powerful. My card of choice to pair with the Dreadnought is another personal favorite, Pandemonium.


That's why Flash was mentioned earlier. But I have a quicker solution.

T1: Land, Aether Vial.
T2: Dreadnought, Dreadnought in response to the trigger. (Note that you can still play a land this turn, allowing for something like Reckless Charge or Mass Hysteria/Concordant Crossroads.)
T3: Fairly probable win via Dreadnought-to-the-face pwnage.

Two Dreadnoughts, an Aether Vial, and a haste spell/enchantment. Overall, fairly manageable. If you accept a one-turn delay, then you've got access Tutors that can pull you a single missing piece of the combo (likely the Dreadnought). Worldly Tutor if ... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (11/17/2009 4:01:52 AM)


i cant believe no one has brought up say pandemonium or fling? those are the obvious ones

or even volrath's shapeshifter (the trigger only occurs when the creature enters play, not when its being copied, and already in play)
Posted By: spoonish (7/29/2009 12:27:49 PM)


@ BDragon123:

Dark Depths labels the token Legendary. Remember to carefully read the cards before commenting on them.

As for Turn 2 Marit Lage, it's fairly easy:
Turn 1: Play Dark Depths
Turn 2: Play Swamp, cast Dark Ritual, Play Vampire Hexmage with 2 floating (no mana burn; let the third fizzle), sac Hexmage to target Dark Depths, and presto! Turn 2 Marit Lage. No haste, mind you...but that's a turn three swinger for 20 flying. Not bad.

But yeah...back to the card this thread's on:

Turn 1: land of some mana-producing type. Play Sol Ring, Play 2 Dreadnoughts, sac one to the other. Since they read "enters the battlefield" and then the ability triggering, it strikes me that you can sac on to the other, in order to keep on out. Not entirely certain if this works...but the logic seems to be there. Corrections/Comments?
Posted By: Lateralis0ne (10/28/2009 10:16:08 PM)


Yeah, @Mill_Master, I agree, most decks won't be getting those out by turn 2(2 swamps out your first two turns), but it IS possible, and for a 20/20? One turn isn't a very big wait. As far as Grim Discovery to do it again, yeah, you could. The token isn't legendary, the land is, and you sacrifice the land when you put the token into play. So, just use Grim Discovery to pick the legendary land out of your graveyard, play it again, use Hexmage's ability again, and voila, 2 Marit Lages.
Posted By: BDragon123 (10/28/2009 8:57:23 PM)


Its just such an incredibly easy win, even for Vintage.
Posted By: Aun (5/20/2010 7:24:01 PM)


Agreed. Stifle makes this card recklessly awesome.
Posted By: themlsna (6/2/2010 1:38:21 PM)


Stifle Terminator, WIN
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (6/30/2009 6:24:37 PM)


I use 4 of these in my Legacy deck along with Stifle and it works every time unless my opponent has force of will but my force of will usually takes care of that. As for the Dark Depths and Vampire Hexmage combo. you can't put a second one into play because of the legend rule. And how exactly do you get out the Dark Depths and the Hexmage out on turn 2, its a land. Without Fastbond you can only use Exploration or Azusa Lost but Seeking, and I don't think you are getting out all those things by turn 2.
Posted By: Mill_Master (10/25/2009 10:05:07 PM)


good card.
Posted By: Aaronbader (3/20/2009 11:22:29 AM)


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