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@ lickthemoose:

The Dreadnought's "enters the battlefield" is a TRIGGERED ability, not an ACTIVATED ability. The best card to use with this is vision charm because it has 3 choices. Used in combination with volrath's shapeshifter and psychatog in a deck. Allows a second turn kill with a proven backup win condition. JMO

Oh and can we keep the chatter about OTHER CARDS in the forums, not on a DIFFERENT CARDs rating section, how rude!.
Posted By: FroMoBlivion (8/25/2010 11:48:58 PM)


A really interesting card with a fun drawback you can play around with. It's a shame they don't make cards like this anymore. I guess it would be too much to ask for it to be reprinted in Mirrodin Beseiged ;p
Posted By: justicarphaeton (10/14/2010 10:27:15 PM)


Actually i could see them reprinting this in New Phyrexia the last set of the scars block so we'll have to see it's still a lot to ask for but i would love to see the card come back and maybe even see the price drop a little
Posted By: SP_N1nja (10/20/2010 3:32:53 PM)


Leyline of Anticipation, Phyrexian Dreadnought, then in response Phyrexian Dreadnought. Sac one to the other. Lulz shall be had.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (4/26/2011 12:58:08 PM)


One of my very favorite cards because, on it's own, it seems kind of useless, but comboed with Stifle or Fling or a myriad of other cards, it becomes insane!

Also, hands down favorite artwork I've seen in MTG. this thing would be absolutely terrifying to actually encounter :S:S
Posted By: AlunJaceImpostor (5/1/2011 5:58:01 PM)


This, the green tutor, Mossnort Bridge. Any character into play in 3 turns. Yes please
Posted By: umumwhatshisname (5/4/2011 1:26:35 PM)


This is on the reserved list. so was Phyrexian Negator. be GRATEFUL for the rest of your lives that Development went with Obliterator instead of Dread-er-nought.

MaRo: Hey, you know what would be uber cool?
Development Guy: (does not trust that LOOK) ....what?
MaRo: How about a Phyrexian Dreadnought that cost a BLACK mana instead of a COLORLESS mana, and had infect and made your OPPONENTS sacrifice instead?
Development Guy: Get the fruck out of my office.
MaRo: But you can only play it in mono-black!

(I do not believe MaRo would actually support such a card, ever,
but one could theorize he wanted Infect 'pushed' a bit, to make it 'relevant'.
and thus Magic almost broke.)
Posted By: DarthParallax (5/31/2011 12:34:11 PM)


@Atali: Bury means "destroy without possibility of regeneration". It doesn't work on indestructible permanents.
Posted By: tavaritz (6/6/2011 2:09:13 AM)


@ Names_Suck
I don't know, he might have first strike and deathtouch.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (6/23/2011 10:40:35 PM)


Actually, indestructibility dates back all the way to the beginning. At the time, the rulings were that indestructibility did not protect against something being buried (such as by Fissure), but that if a land with Consecrate Land were animated, it would protect it against having its toughness reduced to zero. Of course, the rules have since been changed a lot ("bury" now is a kind of "destroy", and zero toughness is not a "destroy" effect any more), and it's now the reverse.
Posted By: sonorhC (6/24/2011 9:17:26 AM)


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