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An interesting card back in the day, far more powerful now with so many ways to bypass the drawback. What I find interesting is that the Dreadnaught does NOT sacrifice itself if you fail to meet the conditions - instead, it just destroys itself without possibility of regeneration. It's not really important given all the other ways around it's drawback, but it's just an odd example of how cards worked back then.
Posted By: Radagast (9/9/2012 4:07:32 PM)


- For 3BlackRedGreen you have a 15/15 (Kresh the Bloodbraided)
Posted By: Axelle (10/6/2012 4:47:30 PM)


So... This thing can be Smothered?
Posted By: Gcrudaplaneswalker (10/7/2012 5:57:42 PM)


i think the only way to make this card bad is if it said "as you cast this spell, you lose the game" because i don't think that can be stifled. but seriously, no matter the drawback, i don't see any possible way a 12/12 for 1 colorless is ever bad
Posted By: Roborapter (10/27/2012 1:24:13 PM)


Just imagine the late game combo with Salvaging Station
Posted By: deadlyoutrage (12/10/2012 9:59:11 PM)


Sure, alone it's not all that special, but there are so many combos with this card that it can be stifling.
Posted By: Ogonomany (12/11/2012 2:38:34 PM)


Is 0 not a number?
Posted By: AllOfTheSpells (1/12/2013 4:46:50 PM)


definitely need to make a deck with this guy. Torpor Orb, anybody? Also, Trample!? 5/5
Posted By: GlintKawk42 (3/22/2013 8:20:16 AM)


i am seeing a very broken combo between this and golgaris new general for dragons maze Varloz, the Scar-Striped
Turn 1: Birds of a paradise
Turn 2: Varloz, the Scar-Stiped
Turn 3 Sac this and scavenge this on to Varloz
Congrats you have a 14/14 with regen on turn 3!
Posted By: tut07 (4/12/2013 1:27:27 PM)


Not the best combo, Leyline of Anticipation and 2 of these.

End of their turn, flash in 1st one. Ability gos on the stack.
Flash in 2nd one, ability gos on the stack, eat the first one.
Then the 1st ability resolves and you chose to bury, and it fizzles.

Then your turn, draw, place another island, swing for 12 damage. Pass.
Their turn you counter any response and win.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (4/16/2013 7:29:10 AM)


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