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Community Rating: 1.638 / 5  (80 votes)
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Fools. Speaking of your Green or White or Red artifact removal. Those colors are made to deal with them. Black is not. Black sits in a corner and cries while artifacts and enchantments control the board. This gives black an ability it rarely ever has, at a steep cost. But hey, isn't that the flavor of black?
Posted By: Sour_Diesel (11/3/2012 2:40:54 AM)


Not sure why this is rated so low. It's pretty easy for black to turn that creature sacrifice cost into something you want to do anyway.
Posted By: Technetium (5/6/2013 8:23:17 AM)


Wow, people commenting on this card are dumb. As people have already said, artifact destruction isn't part of Black's colour pie, and it wasn't that way at the time this card was printed either. This card not only gives Black a way to deal with artifacts, but also another way of sacrificing creatures, which it often wants to be doing anyways. So this card is still perfectly fine in a mono-black deck, especially an EDH one.
Posted By: Tiggurix (12/30/2013 10:12:09 AM)


I find it funny that a card with tribute in it's name is a 3-for-1 in favor of your opponent. You're literally giving them card advantage (your 2 creatures + this card for an artifact).

That said, Gate to Phyrexia is the only other artifact destruction that can be run in a purely {B} deck (excluding colorless options and things with alternative casting costs, like discarding a Blood Crypt to cast Crash for free.)

But the 3-for-1 isn't all bad... {B} is notorious for taking advantage of sacrificing its own stuff for gain.
Posted By: tcollins (2/4/2014 9:06:31 PM)


Its also one of the two black cards that lets you kill non-creature artifacts, three if you count rats of rath.
Posted By: KarmasPayment (2/20/2010 4:08:58 PM)


Comically bad. Fun fact: this is the worst rated card with "Phyrexian" in its name.
Posted By: Ichorix (2/5/2010 2:59:32 PM)


I like this card, it lets you destroy artifacts in mono-black. I just wish there was some random card that lets you destroy an enchantment in mono-black.
Posted By: Etregan (5/6/2010 3:21:28 AM)


I thought it strange that everyone was hating on this card. I mean, yeah, saccing creatures gives them card advantage, but if you run it in a green/black token deck as a sideboard card, I thought it was a pretty decent card.

That was until I saw that it wasn't, in fact, an enchantment but rather a sorcery.

I agree with everyone else. This is an awful card.
Posted By: ScepterofEternities (11/17/2011 5:32:16 PM)


This may be one of the worst cards ever. Like, seriously, it might.
Posted By: channelblaze (7/11/2010 11:16:40 PM)


Why does this even get more than 1 star, this should be an instant 0.5 stars. Meanwhile there are much worse cards than this but they get less than 1 star. This is by far the worst destruction effect in black. Not only that the mana cost is overcost, it's a sorcery, and it doesn't have "cannot be regenerated". Should deserve 0 stars to be honest but too bad we can't rate it that low.
Posted By: aznxknightz (10/19/2010 4:41:01 PM)


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