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Now we also have Zombie Apocalypse...
Posted By: Cyberium (2/10/2012 1:19:30 PM)


this card is amazing using a black/black blue zombie deck
Posted By: badmanbrooks (7/7/2012 2:31:19 PM)


As with unearth, Teferi's Veil allows you to keep the reanimated card permanently after your endstep, so long as it attacked.
Posted By: Rikiaz (8/8/2012 7:38:45 AM)


Doesn't take much to make a single creature with this repeatedly abusable. Demon of Death's Gate, Lord of the Pit, and Devouring Strossus are obvious combos. The strossis especially given that it can kill itself, it can regen to make sure it hits, and it is too expensive to cast reliably. Lord of the pit is less so as he would normally not be in a deck (as most would favor Liege of the Pit or Xathrid Demon) and DoDG already has an alternate cost that's easy to use.
Posted By: blurrymadness (4/18/2013 2:46:13 PM)


Does wonders in my EDH Jarad deck: get a fatty (say: Ghoultree) from the yard, attack, sac at end of turn, deal 10 to everyone, do it again next turn! :D
Posted By: Dark_Raider (7/1/2013 2:09:36 PM)


I ran it in my Bolas EDH to great effect. See, when you actually cast a commander like Bolas, he's a target. No one wants to get their hand eaten. So, he'll most likely be slain ASAP.

Let it goto the graveyard, and bring it back out with this or a similar effect, smack the guy who killed your commander with him, and then move it back to the command zone when it exiles at end of turn.

I also recommend simple raise dead effects to keep down on the cost of recasting bolas in late game.
Posted By: DeadLeeCoC (8/14/2013 8:59:59 PM)


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