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Community Rating: 4.398 / 5  (113 votes)
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How to lose your friends playing Pauper.

Turn 1: This, Swamp, tap for Black, Unholy Strength.
Turn 2 (assuming opponent played no creature): Swamp, tap for Black, Dark Ritual, another Walker or tap other Swamp and cast black one-drop, attack with first Walker, Tainted Strike, Wicked Reward, opponent has 7 Poison already.
Posted By: Lord_of_Tresserhorn (7/2/2013 2:51:39 PM)


Combo enabler drive: ENGAGE
Posted By: nunyaJs (2/15/2012 8:56:28 PM)


Kasib ibn Naji is clearly not having a good day in Mirage block. First he witnesses Telim'Tor's Edict, then he gets caught in a field of Elephant Grass, and finally he sees a Phyrexian Walker and realizes Phyrexia is real and that Yawgmoth is coming to destroy the world.
Posted By: Werewolf- (9/17/2012 4:22:19 PM)


I think this is significantly better than Memnite. In a world of increasingly efficient 1 and 2 power threats (i.e. Snapcaster, Geist of Saint Traft, etc) I'd much rather have a more resilient creature that soak up early damage when I need it to. The automatic 1 power is almost irrelevant when you think about it. With Steel Overseer, I'd rather have a 1/4 than a 2/2 in most circumstances. Given that I play a more defensive/control-oriented version of the robots deck, this suits me just fine. Factor in the fact that it's Phyrexian and the art is WAY sweeter, I'm sold.
Posted By: jetzine (9/19/2012 1:19:06 PM)


I love this card. It's a 0 cost artifact.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (1/31/2013 3:12:51 PM)


The essential companion to old, retired Phyexians. Also rather handy for Tinkering into a Blightsteel Colossus as I found out at last night's FNM.
Posted By: Manite (2/23/2013 3:40:47 PM)


This card is basically an object lesson in how important environment is to a card's power level.

At the time it was printed, it was a mildly interesting but mostly useless curiosity.

Then came Tolarian Academy, Tinker, and Goblin Welder, and it was nice to have around as a defense that could fuel those cards; but still nothing amazing.

Then we got Affinity decks and Steel Overseer and Tempered Steel, and now in the right deck this is basically a mox that can also block for you early on and become a beatstick later.
Posted By: Aquillion (6/4/2013 8:47:14 PM)


Doran, the Siege Tower rides these into battle, launching Ornithopters and Shield Spheres aplenty.
Posted By: WolfWhoWalks (6/8/2013 5:14:04 PM)


Gonna be using this in my upcoming Pauper Kuldotha Rebirth deck. Probably the second-best 0-drop artifact creature at common, it 3 toughness discouraging early assaults while being an excellent sacrifice target (Shield Sphere just usurps its place, even if it does have defender.)
Posted By: Lord_Skoonie (2/26/2014 11:00:19 PM)


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