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@Dragon_Whelp: Learn magic rules first BLEEP, be flamboyant later BLEEP, declare blockers, tap jeska target the same attacking creature you blocked with jeska = 4 dmg BLEEP!!!
Posted By: vardaris (5/19/2010 6:43:04 PM)


I'm gonna come right out and say this since this rules debate is the topic of this discussion:

NORMALLY, without first strike and with damage not being on the stack any longer, Jeska would die to Phage. (Which would be flavorful if it were true...)

BUT, Jeska has first strike. This means, as we all know, that she deals damage first. SO, Jeska could deal damage before normal combat damage is applied, then tap to deal 1 killing Phage. It feels like damage on the stack but its not.

I'm not sure if this is what Exterion had in mind when he commented but it turns out he is right now. Same goes for vardaris; its not clear what you meant but you're right so don't be hate'n!

Also, rk post is, "The Meng," and you can quote me on that.
Posted By: Bigg_ol_FATTKIDD (8/19/2010 2:15:31 AM)


this card is the same person as phage (flavorally speaking), a real sad transformation at that.
Posted By: nubiop (1/14/2009 6:39:19 PM)


the only problem with the 'Jeska vs. Phage' scenario is: are you seriously intending to leave a hasty red creature open to block? ever? if you KNEW Phage was coming...no, not even then- swing in as much as possilbe before she comes up, to kill the other player before they can resolve Phage.

Phage on the board is...Untouchable?
Hammer Black Time.

but seriously, even if 'there are ways', you dont want to be looking across the table at Phage.
of course she's not 'auto-lose'. not even enemy Phage is REALLY 'auto-lose', but she's close enough. If at all possible, the best thing is to get her while she's in their library, their hand, or on the stack.

She's black, so think very carefully before messing with her in the grave, as they might decide to go ahead and find some convoluted way to zombify her to YOUR side. like putting liliana's ultimate on the stack, but before it resolves play a donate-effect...one of the meanest kills Ive ever seen. the victim was m... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (4/16/2011 6:11:18 PM)


@Kurraga: Does not compute with stupid new combat rules, BLEEP! Damage be applied before ability can be used, BLEEP! No innovation whatsoever, BLEEP!

EDIT: I stand corrected. Bleep?
Posted By: Dragon_Whelp (2/15/2011 7:50:51 AM)


that's not very inept
Posted By: DaaNz (3/24/2009 5:25:23 PM)


I would totally have her babies. That is all.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (5/9/2012 9:05:23 AM)


Oh yeah? Now that my Jeska has resolved, you want to kill her? No! She'll kill herself first.

Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (1/15/2012 4:18:13 PM)


But Phage is actually pretty bad. In fact, this card is way better. 7 mana 4/4? Really? Not exactly exciting. Needs other cards to do work? Even worse! She's cute against people who have no creatures or removal but that's about it. Jeska, on the other hand, always does something worth your time, even if that is eating removal and pinging the opponent in response
Posted By: Kryptnyt (6/10/2012 12:29:39 PM)


If you can give her vigilance somehow, nasty.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/29/2013 10:14:05 AM)


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