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7 damage and 2 lifegain every turn, as well as triggering "enter the battlefield" effects every turn...FOR FIVE MANA. WHAT. THE. HELL.
Posted By: Frogmander (2/24/2013 2:18:15 AM)


@osprey_93 it would protect him from the removal but he would not disappear for your opponents turn. Sundial immediately ends the turn skipping every remaining step including your end step. And then your open to alot more removal.

And yeah he can dodge a decent amount of removal but executioner swing or smite work just fine if he attacks.
Posted By: Pyroedge-keen (2/28/2013 2:09:10 AM)


Wait a minute, what if the game ends between the end step and my next turn? Do I get it in my next game?
Posted By: masterpierround (3/15/2013 1:12:23 PM)


You can use Goryo's Vengeance to bring it back if it ever hits your GY.
Posted By: trulez (3/29/2013 10:16:49 PM)


Makes Geralf's Messenger look like a wuss
Posted By: Xineombine (4/19/2013 12:05:08 PM)


@Continue It's actually a really common nickname for it.
Posted By: Augthail (5/1/2013 8:22:49 AM)


This is one of the few cards in standard that, outside of Thragtusk, everyone who you play it against will want to punch you in the face. Hands down the best of the RTR bloc guild leaders. This causes unbelievable headaches, is incredibly abusable with cards from its own guild and cards from other guilds, and is incredibly difficult to deal with. Also, the flavor of the card is perfect. Near zero complaints about it.
Posted By: GhostCounselor (5/5/2013 12:45:22 PM)


Orzhov is black white, a neutral entity. I realize magic used the dnd alignment of lawful evil as the basis for the guild's flavor, corresponding to the natures of black and white.

On a separate note, i noticed how obvious it is that blue is the best color in magic. The reason is upheaval and that 7/7 phasing monstrosity. Im not even sure if im sarcastic or not
Posted By: patronofthesound (5/21/2013 3:12:54 AM)


The fun of turning their obzedat into a frog lizard with Rapid Hybridiaztion.

I played against one of these at the Dragon's Maze prerelease. Why do some people get so lucky?? D:
Posted By: ekann123 (6/2/2013 11:52:21 AM)


hmm... I may use Intrepid Hero after all...
Posted By: huntr101 (6/3/2013 7:08:06 AM)


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