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Community Rating: 3.170 / 5  (91 votes)
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Posted By: creepycrawler (6/24/2013 7:08:08 AM)


@TheWaddleDeeKing - it's only 3/5 because it's very weak compared to other enchantments and subject to the 2-for-1 flaw of most auras. Out of the creatures you listed only the Invisible Stalker is worth enchanting in general given that it can't be easily removed, and then there are much better enchantments - Ethereal Armor, Keen Sense/Curiosity, Daybreak Coronet, Armadillo Cloak, Sigil of Sleep... indeed, there are plenty of auras that are way better for Stalker than Forced Adaptation.

Overall, this card suffers the same crucial drawback as most auras, and is nowhere near strong enough to make up for it, even in decks which can nullify that drawback (like hexproof decks). Look elsewhere for cheap buffs; Rancor is wondering why you aren't running it instead when it's the best 1 mana enchantment and has just been reprinted recently.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (8/24/2013 11:47:47 AM)


How on earth is this rated LOWER than Primal Cocoon. Its literally the same effect with the same cost, only it doesn't have the drawback...
Posted By: MrSunso (10/9/2013 12:52:22 PM)


Invest one mana on your first turn creature to keep it on the curve? Why not? You'll be ramping into other threats anyway and forcing them to block that Bushi Tenderfoot is in your best interest.
Posted By: N03y3D33R (2/26/2014 11:27:48 PM)


I think I would generally rather have hunger of the howlpack. And just saying that hurts my inner Timmy.
Posted By: jonrds (3/5/2014 1:38:47 PM)


This and corpsejack menace
Every turn you get 2 counters. If you have another corpsejack menace out, you get 4 counters. if you have another out you get 16 counters and if you have all 4 out you get 32 counters every turn.
Or you have this and Vorel of the Hull Clade just keep on doubling those counters.
This card is great
Posted By: Jedne2 (3/23/2014 1:59:06 AM)


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