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I desperately want to like this card. The flavor is magnificent, and both effects are powerful. But it's simply too much of a liability. If vexing devil didn't give your opponent a choice, then it wouldn't just be powerful--it would be straight up broken. However this card is different from the average spell that gives your opponents options in a critical way: your opponent doesn't have to choose immediately. Not only does your opponent have a choice with this card, but they have time to choose, and can make that choice whenever they want. Even in the middle of your combat phase. Because of this, any advantage reaped from your ill gotten gains must always play around the possibility that your foe will suddenly revoke your shiny new toy. At a steep price, perhaps, but the potential is always there. And that's often the difference between winning and losing. One of the most important rules that I have learned regarding any game of strategy is that the threat is often more powerful than t... (see all)
Posted By: corkscrew (1/22/2013 11:23:43 PM)


I think this seems very good, because a 2UB for a mind control is very good and 2UB to draw 2 and make your opponent discard 2 is very good. The one thing is that it's another card that gives your opponent the option, which have a history of being worse than originally thought. But you just never know. I still think it's great.
Posted By: am802g (1/22/2013 2:53:59 PM)


No matter how they play it, you get card advantage! Very Dimir
Posted By: Superllama12 (1/22/2013 2:38:39 PM)


I really like this Control Magic variant! A smart opponent will almost never "pay the ransom", as that would be +2 card advantage for you, so it's essentially a harder to cast Control Magic.
Posted By: Tiggurix (1/22/2013 11:41:17 PM)


Yeah giving your opponents options is never good, but then again neither is +3 cards for you if you were to ask your opponent. (-the aura, +2 cards for you, -2 cards for them)
Posted By: pedrodyl (1/23/2013 12:57:20 PM)


Drawing this against Reanimate, Unburial rites decks will make you mehface. I think in general there are just better 4 mana spells even Clone (or other similar cards) would be more effective despite its lack of removal and the discard/draw in many cases (I know, oversimplification of cards). Evil Twin. Still a fun and flavorful card... Making them sac their own critters for the ransom of three of their cards, one of yours and you draw two.

A top decking opponent will hate this though. Could be interesting in multiplayer and edh.

Also would be fun against some of the standard biggies: Thragtusk, Angel of serenity (that jacked your cards). Also... Stealing a rare worldspine wurm... Get a little sumtinsumtin plus the four card advantage (if they sac it, and I doubt they would). The more I talk the more I like this card despite its flaws. True... (see all)
Posted By: BreadandButter (1/24/2013 12:04:59 AM)


It might be useful, SOMETIMES, just because it's a control magic if they have an empty hand, but it also gives them options. I would not run a spell for 4 mana that draws me 2 and makes them discard 2. Image if you declare an important attack and they activate the second ability before declaring blockers. That would destroy you... Sadly, a 3/5
Posted By: flavioal28 (1/22/2013 3:18:16 PM)


Looks good...until you try to use it competitively. Or even in Limited.

Posted By: JRE47 (1/31/2013 11:48:25 AM)


I love cards that give opponent's choices that they'll regret in retrospect either way.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/25/2013 11:05:22 AM)


When I look at this I think of Nicol Bolas. Mind control with 4CMC? I love it with any drawbacks you add to it.
Posted By: deserter (1/25/2013 12:05:42 PM)


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