Somewhere in Ravnica Krenko, Mob Boss is huddled in a corner and crying.
Amazing side board. Slap one down first turn against weenie decks and the opponent is going to have one hell of a time if they can't nuke it.
Posted By:
(3/28/2013 5:31:25 PM)
Goodbye any legacy goblin token deck? (Not that marrow shards helps ;) )
Posted By:
(3/29/2013 11:32:00 AM)
I love unique cards like this that don't follow the ordinary set of cards for magic, they just make the game so much more interesting! That said, this card assumes that you are playing against someone who intends on making tokens, and also assumes those tokens wont be 8/8 elementals or something like that. To me, that's a little to limiting to recommended into a deck, though it does provide an excellent sideboard i think (i still im not quite sure what sideboard means in terms of magic. Is it one of those spells you put only 1 or 2 of in a deck just in case your primary combo is failing? Please correct me if im wrong).
Posted By:
(5/15/2013 8:45:53 PM)
The art should have had dead birds littering the ground instead... -1/-1 doesn't really kill centaurs so easily :)
Posted By:
(6/3/2013 6:15:47 AM)
Twilight Drover?
Anybody? Nobody? I thought SOMEONE would have mentioned that by now.
Posted By:
(6/29/2013 10:55:29 AM)
Interestingly enough, better in Modern than Standard. It turns Splinter Twin's Pestermites into 1/0s and Deceiver Exarchs into 0/3s.
Posted By:
(8/7/2013 2:31:03 PM)
To be honest, I didn't believe it when some guy autocard linked this. I thought he was like listening to some Beastie Boys and playing a Confusion in the Ranks.
So first impression... I would sideboard it! 4/5
Posted By:
(10/15/2013 7:37:03 PM)
Overpowered hate card designed when Lingering Souls was getting banned in block. Still incredibly powerful against any tokens. Use in standard against Master of Waves, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and Assemble the Legion. That's shutting down three finishers from tier 1 decks for 1cmc.
Posted By:
(11/5/2013 12:03:18 PM)
Umm, you cast Bitterblossom? *Trollface*
Posted By:
(2/6/2014 9:17:14 PM)
Makes a funny/annoying casual control deck with Curse of the Swine, Rapid Hybridization and Swan Song.
*snaps fingers* All of your cards are now sick animals!
Posted By:
(2/13/2014 10:47:19 PM)