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Community Rating: 3.277 / 5  (74 votes)
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Finally played a copy of this and WOW. Being able to tutor for stuff is great. Pick three creatures you could play with your current mana base and you're guaranteed a drop. I'm not a huge fan of G/R but cards like this are changing my mind quickly...
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/5/2013 11:21:24 AM)


This would have been way more interesting if people didn't see which card was randomly picked.
Posted By: LordRandomness (2/19/2013 5:31:17 PM)


Absolutely amazing in limited, we'll have to see how it does in constructed though as the randomness hurts it. Is this banned in EDH yet?
Posted By: Clashkill84 (2/25/2013 10:38:34 PM)


"Summon the Clans! Tonight, we raid!"
Posted By: TheWallinator74 (3/4/2013 10:46:01 AM)


"I choose Huntmaster of the Fells, Wolfir Silverheart, and Kruin Outlaw."

Werewolves seem a lot more playable now.
Posted By: Orohu (3/4/2013 9:35:49 PM)


I should really run this in my Birthing Pod deck. Can I tutor for the creature I want, or two good things that I can pod into the creature I want?
Posted By: KasaiAisu (4/5/2013 5:18:52 PM)


I think this was designed with bloodrush in mind. It is an instant, so you search for 3 creatures that you can bloodrush cheap, so that no matter which one you get, your creature will deal more damage.
Posted By: orzhov20 (1/2/2014 9:19:48 PM)


Prime for any RedGreen Commander deck. Just choose three of your best fatties and see which you get. In the right deck this is a win-win-win card.
Posted By: Manite (1/3/2014 1:06:57 PM)


This card is perfect for choosing Acidic Slime, Indrik Stomphowler and Wickerbough Elder in EDH :)
Posted By: skorpionrazor (3/2/2014 8:20:33 PM)


I thought I would ask here before asking on the rules board about this, card because a heated debate was had over this card (though it was a casual torment) over at what point the cards seleceted with signal the clans are no longer visible to other players and is this card still visible when it is picked at random, thus, allowing the other players to know which card was picked at random of the cards that were made visible. So are all the cards still considered visible when one is picked at random? Random picks can be made with dice rolls and not necessarily always by cards that are face down when picked. So do the other players know which card was actually picked at random since the cards were made visible by the signal the clans before hand?
Posted By: Guest233824152 (3/8/2014 2:32:40 PM)


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