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Absolutely great card.

Modern: American deck him and you can play him, boros charm him for indestructible, then into the maw of hell him, then izzet charm for the copied instant or sorcery.

Standard: He keeps and card like Staunch-hearted warrior, or really and large on-the-ground creature pinned. Also with the new Theros set, you can hammer of purphorous him and you have him with haste Activating a Battalion.

EDH: If someone elses commander attacks for alot of damage you can block with this guy and he deals that much damage to that commander if he wanted to.
Posted By: MasterBorosReckoner (2/13/2014 6:54:11 PM)


"We paid you a small fortune."

"And this gives the Orzhov power over me?"

"What is this?"

"Their money and infrastructure have been important... until now."

"...What are you?"

"I'm Ravnica's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time your guild has been living on."
Posted By: PlatypusTheFifth (3/25/2014 7:07:31 PM)


What I don't understand is how he can take more damage then toughness if this is the case wizards and you are saying that if I hit him with a 7/7, now let's give that 7/7 trample and lifelink, so now I am dealing 7 damage to boros reckoner and 4 more damage with trample. So with your logic with how you are saying his wording goes with your ruling in reality I am lifegaining for 11? You have MANY other cards SPECIFYING you can't deal more damage to a creature than its toughness would it not be reasonable to say then that this should be another one of those situations.
Posted By: BaneReckoning (4/27/2014 7:06:36 PM)


Has anyone tried combining this with an additional Reckoner, Boros Charm, and the newly printed Dictate of the Twin Gods?
I think it's OK to be able to do infinite damage to your opponent in Standard, so long as the combo is three cards or more.
Posted By: MGC (5/26/2014 12:34:40 PM)


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