I'm not a big fan of Johnny type cards but this would be fun to build around.
Posted By:
(9/5/2013 11:35:30 PM)
So... This plus mirrorweave=EVERYONE WINS!?
Posted By:
(10/8/2013 8:40:56 PM)
win the internet by Turn 4
Posted By:
(10/12/2013 3:15:21 PM)
Play in a Momir Vig EDH deck, load up on blue-green creatures. Turn 5 (or earlier), play Momir Vig. Turn 6, play random blue-green and pull Prophet of Kruphix. Turn 7 play the Prophet, and pull Biovisionary.
Now, if you're playing two player, wait till your turn to play biovisionary... Then on their turn during their end step play Progenitor Mimic, and pull out a Clone. Start your turn, clone for the fourth Biovisionary, and end the game.
If you're playing 3+ players, it's even easier. Biovisionary on opponent's turn, Progenitor Mimic on the turn before yours during the end step, and clone. (Helps to have Teferi out to prevent people from "responding" in an unkind way)
Basically, I intend to make this my ultimate workaround-to-victory when my opponent's think they can stop me with things like Blazing Archon.
Posted By:
(11/3/2013 1:14:58 PM)
step one, biovisionary
step two progenitor mimic
step three clone the progenitor mimic, target the first progenitor mimic with the new cloned progienitor mimic
step four win moar
Posted By:
(2/3/2014 9:23:27 PM)
Okay, so in a Clones deck, he's great.
Favorite way to clone him? Probably either the Original Clone, or Riku of Two Reflections?
Still, it has a lot of points against it, Design wise, before we get to gameplay.
1. There are a scant handful (18) cards that "Win the Game", on the spot. Of these, numbers varying from 5, to 7, to 10, to 20, to 200 all appear in the requirements. I believe this is the lowest number of such cards, which requires that you have four of something. "Four copies of a specific card in your deck", now that's harder than it looks at first, it's not at all the same as "four creatures", so it is *Sort Of* challenging, but it's very easily broken wide open with Clone Effects, and effectively *DOES* become "Control Four Creatures" in a Deck built to maximize it. If the card said "CARDNAME can't be copied", then in my opinion, as a Design, it would be better because it wouldn't look so undercosted in comparison to the othe... (see all)
Posted By:
(3/19/2014 6:06:51 AM)