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4/5. Phantasmal Image on a stick.
Posted By: chrome_dome (1/28/2013 8:39:29 AM)


I feel like people are forgetting Guttersnipe in general when they write off Cipher. Just get an invisible stalker (or Dimir keyrune) and a guttersnipe out by turn 6. Cast this on guttersnipe (2 damage), attach to invisible stalker. Swing with invisible stalker, clone guttersnipe again (4 damage) totaling 7 damage on turn 6. It is free from then on and you can start spamming cheap instants getting a new guttersnipe each turn. Not to mention getting multiple out before you get stolen identity or ciphering multiple stolen identities. Im not saying you should plan your deck around this card but surviving till then shouldnt be too hard with a couple fog banks or not to mention talrand.

Note: I started playing this game a couple of months ago. So im not 100% sure you can have more than 4 of one type of card on the battlefield. Input? This just sounds like too much tabletop fun :)
Posted By: Pyrotango (1/28/2013 2:32:24 PM)


All of the cipher cards just scream Invisible Stalker
Posted By: Smoke_Stack (2/5/2013 11:29:18 AM)


Played a Chancellor of the Spires card, and used Stolen Identity from my friends graveyard to copy Chancellor of the Spires. If I'm correct, this creates an infinite combo, right? If I continue to copy Chancellor of the Spires with the same card, and choose NOT to use the Cipher ability. My friend has more years of experience playing over me, so don't want to argue this any further unless I know I'm correct. Thanks.
Posted By: armenta541 (3/2/2013 7:41:46 PM)


This on an unblockable+doubling season While Microsynth lattice is on the field. So much fun to mess with.
Posted By: Doc_Maynot (3/6/2013 1:54:15 PM)


I created a tri-color (blue/black/ green) deck with him in it. It gives ME nightmares- simply having my CorpseJack Menace my Master Biomancer while cyphering it onto my Elusive krasis stacks up. I kept cyphering my Master Biomancer, making so anytime anyone entered the field, they kept getting stronger and stronger with all the effects piling up (In hindsight Corpsejack menace may have been a better idea but i won anyway) and as I was getting copies from my Growing Ranks it was the scariest thing I have ever seen.
Posted By: animalkid314 (4/6/2013 4:35:36 PM)


Probably the only cipher card that is very well worth its cost.
Posted By: Sonserf369 (4/8/2013 6:06:53 PM)


Playing EDH the other day, a friend played this on my Sun Titan and proceeded to cause a huge amount of trouble. That's probably not even the best thing you can do with it.

In slower formats, a truly ridiculous card in any deck where you'll consistently have a creature (otherwise just run Phyrexian Metamorph. Or run them together!!)
Posted By: djflo (4/9/2013 9:38:36 AM)


This card is perfect for the Dimir Mill deck. Cipher it to an Invisible Stalker and start copying your Consuming Abberation. Every time you attack, your opponents will mill multiple lands. Throw in a Realmwright and a Crypt Ghast or three and your Mind Grind will finish them off in no time.
Posted By: ChuqKnoriz (4/14/2013 9:15:44 PM)


Stolen Identity + Tormented Soul
Copy Staff of Nin
Insane draw power, and you can tap each copy to deal 1 damage to your opponent (or have enough Staff clones to tap in order to destroy a bulked-up Primordial Hydra just for the lulz)
Now just throw in Crypt Ghast and copy it a few times so that you can actually have enough mana to play all those cards you are drawing...
Posted By: XSignia (4/18/2013 5:14:43 PM)


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