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Does this confirm that Squidward is a science experiment?
Posted By: Coralus (1/28/2013 5:41:51 AM)


Extra points for creature type.
Posted By: the_sixth_degree (1/22/2013 3:09:07 PM)


Human decks are a lot sillier than anyone on Innistrad could ever have imagined.

'I vant to suck your... blood... umm...'
Posted By: psychichobo (1/29/2013 2:23:53 PM)


@Kaeru_Jones Maybe you have to read it as "experiment of type 1".
There could be dozens of "type 1" experiments, if "one" merely stands for the fusion type (e.g. human + ooze).
You could be right though and this card represents their first experiment.
It wouldn't be the first non-legendary creature that sounds like it's actually a singleton.
Posted By: Mode (2/6/2013 5:59:45 AM)


Am I the only one bothered by his name? Experiment One
Severe Lack of Legendary ???
I mean, how is it that there could be more than four of the first experiment
Posted By: Kaeru_Jones (1/26/2013 4:18:33 AM)


I love the illustration and the creature type! True Simic craziness! Crossbreed humans and oozes everyday FOR SCIENCE!
Posted By: Tiggurix (1/23/2013 12:04:22 AM)


His ability is very misleading. Let's say you have a 5/5 Experiment One. I play a bolt on him. That's cool, so you don't respond. Then I play another. In response, you remove 2 counters to save him... and he dies as a SBA before his ability can resolve.

Additionally: Let's say I attack with a 5/5. You block with a 5/5 Experiment One. You might not realize it, but there is no way for your guy to live and mine to die. You have to regenerate before damage if you want to live, in which case your guy only swings for 3.

Don't be fooled. His ability is worse than it seems.

(But still, G for 1/1 evolve is pretty cool.)
Posted By: marmaris74 (1/22/2013 4:25:16 PM)


I could not see myself running a standard mono green deck or even a deck where green is one of the color and NOT run this. At least 75% of the time if this is in your opening hand, you are going to be playing at LEAST a 2/1 or 1/2 on second turn. That puts him on speed with Rakdos Cackler. And he can still block.

Oh, and to marmaris74. In your second example don't forget: I can decide NOT to regenrate. In which case I traded a 1-drop for what was likely a more exspensive creature. Also, even if I DO regenerate, if the other 5/5 doesn't have trample, that's still 3 chump blocks off of one creature. There are not alot of 1-drops who could do that.
Posted By: Azuman (1/23/2013 6:04:22 AM)


All regeneration abilities aside, a 1-drop 1/1 with Evolve is scary powerful. I fully expect to see him turn into the next Wild Nacatl or Scythe Tiger. Obviously it's a bit worse due to its dependence on other creatures, but this thing will still get decently big crazy fast. Be prepared.
Posted By: darkrai88 (1/22/2013 7:53:03 PM)


Put him in a {GW} human deck for lulz
Posted By: shotoku64 (1/24/2013 9:58:51 PM)


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