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Community Rating: 4.039 / 5  (217 votes)
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Probably the best R/W EDH general ever. Powerful on her own, synergistic with a whole bunch of stuff (good R/W aggressive creatures, equipment, pumps, etc.). And can just win the game out of nowhere with general damage thanks to haste and powerful double strike pumps.

If only R/W had some decent card draw that wasn't so expensive...
Posted By: djflo (1/22/2013 11:58:04 PM)


Use the card that allows multiple legendaries. Cipher this with Stolen Identity. Attack five-ever.
Posted By: Purplerooster (1/23/2013 11:18:06 AM)


I expect this to see heavy play in Standard 4C Reanimator builds. Bring it back turn 4-5 with some mana ramping so that you can cloudshift it at the end of the first combat, then have a go at it again to really make your opponent regret wasting their removal on the Loxodon Smiter you dropped T2. Just brutal.
Posted By: Doaj (1/22/2013 8:02:31 PM)


Brutal!! It's a good thing this is really high costed for these two colours otherwise it would be crazy. Then again with battle hymn or other mana accel and unburial rites , I shudder to think about how this might reshape Standard.
Posted By: Dream_Twist (1/23/2013 8:32:02 AM)


Abusable with Nephalia Smuggler. Needs a buff. I mean on T6 you're opponent can probably kill it. Easy way to keep it alive is Darksteel Plate.
Posted By: mpitcock (1/22/2013 3:09:29 PM)


Oh my.. Red White is getting more and more BRUTALIZING every day..
Posted By: Mike-C (2/4/2013 5:21:45 AM)


DarthParallax, you didn't mention Kaalia! I'm proud of you!!
Posted By: Goatllama (1/24/2013 10:11:52 AM)


Sigh, WotC.

I find it hard to understand why you are taking the game in the direction you are. I think early magic was badly flawed, but at least it was going in what I call the right direction. Pardon me if I think a proper mage battle should be long and satisfying, with lots and lots of strange contraptions and whizzing spells.

Ridiculously powerful rare creatures and crap commons/uncommons ruin drafts and booster boxes, and make for less interesting constructed games. Like Thragtusk, for example. I think it is an abomination. Return to Ravnica is a horrifying glob of glitzy mythic creatures and unplayable commons.

Just sigh.
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (1/23/2013 3:15:17 PM)


I'm actually more pleased not because of what she can do, but because of what she can't :D

While this is a SUPERB card and I would love to open it in a booster pack, it ALSO manages to not feel "SUPER Mythic". Getting her won't feel like opening Gideon, Champion of Justice or Avacyn, Angel of Hope.

By Ravnica Standards, she is Super Boss. By Multiverse Standards, she 'qualifies' for Planeswalkers to notice and talk to her and some might actually know she can mess with their plans if they aren't too arrogant. I doubt Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker considers her as more than a gnat. That is how Ravnica Block's orginal Legends felt, and that is how they continue to feel. I feel like, despite how Pushed she LOOKS, she could have been MOAR pushed, and I'm glad she wasn't. She totally Dies to Doom Blade for example :)
Posted By: DarthParallax (1/24/2013 7:04:46 AM)


Overall evaluation of each guild's hotties so far.
Boros: Arrows of Justice, Aurelia, the Warleader, Boros Elite, Firemane Avenger, Skyknight Legionaire; Many, many hotties, but they all wear way too much armor. 4.5/5.
Azorius: Azorius Justicar, Isperia, Supreme Judge; Law is very unsexy, it seems. 1/5.
Dimir: Bane Alley Broker, Mental Vapors, Soul Ransom, Voidwalk; I have to imagine that the Dimir ladies are so pretty because they need to infiltrate the Izzet. 5/5.
Izzet: Blustersquall, Counterflux, Electrickery, Izzet Staticaster; Ignoring Electrickery, the Izzet ladies are very, very sexy. 5/5.
Orzhov: Cartel Aristocrat, D... (see all)
Posted By: DeviousPie (2/2/2013 7:36:55 PM)


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